Diferencia entre revisiones de «FhorKood»

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(changing tense, improving sentence structure)
{{quote|You have two options, FhorKood. Either relinquish those bones, or I'll digest your body and kill you, as I did [[OreSeur]].|[[TenSoon]] to FhorKood.{{book ref|mb3|78}}}}
'''FhorKood''' wasis a [[kandra]] of the Fifth Generation.{{book ref|mb3|78}} His [[True Body]] wasis made of granite.
When [[KanPaar]] and the Second Generation tooktake the First Generation captive in a coup, FhorKood and some other members of the Fifth Generation supportedsupport the Seconds. FhorKood may have beenbe one of the Fifths that gaggedgag [[Haddek]].{{book ref|mb3|75}}
[[TenSoon]], in his wolfhound body, brokebreaks into the [[kandra Homeland]], and with the help of [[MeLaan]] and other kandra revolutionaries, freedfrees [[Sazed]], who washas been imprisoned in the Seconds' coup. However, TenSoon wasis seen entering the Homeland, and soon FhorKood and other Fifths camecome to subdue them. FhorKood and the Fifths diddo not expect Sazed's [[Feruchemy]], and by tapping [[iron]], Sazed wasis able to break the Fifths' bones, incapacitating them.{{book ref|mb3|78}}
FhorKood hadhas contempt for the Third Generation. When TenSoon demandeddemands to know what FhorKood had done, FhorKood simply respondedresponds with, "Dirty Third." TenSoon had foundfinds it amusing that KanPaar hadhas branded him a Contract-breaker, but then FhorKood and the Seconds overthrewoverthrow the First Generation.{{book ref|mb3|78}}
Then, TenSoon threatenedthen threatens FhorKood and asks him to hand over his bones, and. FhorKood wasis terrified of TenSoon. FhorKoodand relinquishedrelinquishes his bones, which allowedallows TenSoon to impersonate him and tell the Second Generation that the traitor of, TenSoon, washas been captured,. allThis thebuys whiletime stallingso forthat the rescued First Generation reformedcan reform their bodies.{{book ref|mb3|78}}