Diferencia entre revisiones de «Feruquimia»

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During the Ascension of the Lord Ruler, all living Feruchemists -with a few notable exceptions- were transformed into [[mistwraith]]s by [[Rashek]]{{epigraph ref|mb3|68}} Rashek transformed himself into a Mistborn and claimed himself to be the [[Hero of Ages]]. He declared himself a god and launched a campaign to consolidate the world under his control. However during his ascension, Rashek overlooked the recessive Feruchemical genes hidden in the Terris people, which can still allow new Feruchemists to be born. Therefore, Rashek instituted policies to heavily restrict the Terris people, which eventually grew into a breeding program designed to exterminate all genetic traces of Feruchemy. He did this specifically because he feared the prospect of the genes for Feruchemy intermixing with those of Allomancy and potentially creating a rival of comparable power to himself.{{book ref|mb1|epilogue}} Despite this, the Terris resistance worked tirelessly to thwart the efforts of Rashek in a variety of ways, primarily by tricking the breeders into including people with hidden Feruchemical talents, in order to ensure their continuation in the population. They also founded the [[Keeper]]s, an order of Feruchemists dedicated to finding and securing knowledge from before the Lord Ruler's rise to power.{{book ref|mb1|22}}{{book ref|mb2|30}}
Following the death of the Lord Ruler and the [[Collapse]] of the [[Final Empire]], the [[Synod]], who were the leaders of the Keepers and ''de facto'' ruling council of Terris, emerged from secrecy and the Keepers were dispatched across the Empire to teach the people about the knowledge they had preserved.{{book ref|mb2|7}} Unfortunately, this "victory" was relatively short-lived; as about a year later, the [[Steel Inquisitor]]s, under the influence of Ruin, attacked and slaughtered the Synod andas well as all but [[Sazed|one of the Keepers]], creating [[Hemalurgic]] spikes from them in the process to increase their own powers.{{book ref|mb2|56}}
After the [[Catacendre]], the surviving Terris began to interbreed with the general population. The genes for Feruchemy began to break apart, as a result of mixing with those for Allomancy. Whereas before people had either the ability to use all of the Feruchemical abilities or none of them, Ferrings, who could use only one (analogously to [[Misting]]s), began to appear.{{wob ref|4696}} Conversely, Feruchemists with all of the Feruchemical abilities, now referred to as "Full Feruchemists", have disappeared, though the Terris community began to work on creating one through careful breeding of Feruchemical lineages.{{book ref|mb6|3}} This dilution of power eventually caps and cannot decrease any further, and has reached that point by [[Mistborn_(series)#Era_3|Era 3]].{{wob ref|10873}} This period also saw an explosion of Feruchemical and Allomantic research; a number of new metals and their Feruchemical attributes were discovered, with the Spiritual abilities being of particular interest to the the Terris community.{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}}
