Diferencia entre revisiones de «Feruquimia»

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Steel stores Physical Speed. Tapping steel will allow the Feruchemist to move at amazing rates, while storing it will cause the Feruchemist to move more slowly.
A steel [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Steelrunner'''.
Tin stores Senses. Tapping a tinmind gives the Feruchemist enhanced sensory perception. However, this will not allow the Feruchemist to see in the dark; rather, it enhances what eyesight/senses are already there. In addition, tapping tin will not make the mists more translucent, as an Allomancer burning tin would
A tin [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Windwhisper'''.
Pewter stores Physical Strength. Tapping a pewtermind will cause a Feruchemist's muscles to grow far larger than they would be normally, while storing Strength causes the Feruchemist to become weak and frail.
A pewter [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Brute'''.
Zinc stores Mental Speed. Tapping a zincmind will give the Feruchemist the ability to think much faster than a normal person, while the thoughts of a Feruchemist storing this quality will be thick and sluggish.
A zinc [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Sparker'''.
Copper stores Memories. When storing memories, the Feruchemist loses all recollection of that information he or she stored. Typically, Keepers (modern-day Feruchemists) would have many copperminds, keeping specific index copperminds to locate particular pieces of information.
A copper [[Ferring]] is known as an '''Archivist'''.
Bronze stores Wakefulness. Tapping bronze will enable the Feruchemist to stay awake longer.
A bronze [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Sentry'''.
Gold stores Health. Tapping a goldmind will rapidly heal wounds, but the expense of gold, combined with the difficulty of storing health, means that most Feruchemists do not have massive goldminds to tap from.
A gold [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Bloodmaker'''.
Atium stores Age. Storing age is usually a fairly useless endeavor: in order to be young for a time, a Feruchemist needs to stay older for a time. It can, however, be useful for disguising a Feruchemist's identity.
The name for an atium [[Ferring]] is, as of yet, unknown; as none have been discovered to the knowledge of the wold at large.
Electrum stores determination. Storing determination makes people enter a depressed state during active storage, and while tapping it later can make them enter a determined, manic state.
An electrum [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Pinnacle'''.
Duralumin stores spiritual connection. Reducing other people's awareness and friendship with them during active storage. Tapping it can help speedily forming trust relationships with others.
A duralumin [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Connector'''.
Aluminum stores a spiritual sense of identity. This is an art rarely spoken of outside of Terris communities, and even among them it is not yet well understood.
An aluminum [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Trueself'''.
Bendalloy can store nutrition and calories. Users can eat large amounts of food during active storage without feeling full or gaining weight, and then can go without the need to eat while tapping their metalmind. A separate bendalloy metalmind is used for fluids intake.
A bendalloy [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Subsumer'''.
A Cadmium metalmind can store breath. During active storage they must hyperventilate in order for their bodies to get enough air. The breath can be retrieved at a later time, eliminating or reducing the need to breathe using the lungs while tapping the metalmind. They can also highly oxygenate their blood.
A cadmium [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Gasper'''.
Chromium metalminds allow the user to store fortune. Making themselves unlucky during active storage, and tapping it at later times to increase their luck.
A chromium [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Spinner'''.
Nicrosil allows one to store investiture. This is a power that very few know anything about, and the people of Terris don't truly know what they are doing when they use this power.
A nicrosil [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Soulbearer'''.
