Diferencia entre revisiones de «Feruquimia»

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Of particular interest however, is that—since Compounding provides a greater burst of the attribute store than was initially stored in the Metalmind—it is possible for a person capable of both Allomancy and Feruchemy, to "gain" more youth then they store.
Essentially, they become effectively immortal, able to repetitively retrieve youth.
The disadvantage of this is of course, the fact that the since atium is burned up in the process, a permanent supply of the metal is necessary. Also, while able to extend their life greatly, someone Compounding atium is not ''truly'' immortal; over time, the amount of youth that they would need to consume (and the amount of atium necessary to allow them to do so) would increase beyond their ability to generate and store it, besides outstripping their physical ability to ingest and burn it.
This, in addition to the fact that Atium Twinborns (or Allomancer-Feruchemists) are almost non-existent, makes the practice incredibly rare.
So far in the series, it has only bebeen used by [[Lord Ruler|The Lord Ruler]] and [[Marsh|Ironeyes]], although Atium Twinborn (if they exist) and a number of the [[Steel Inquisitors]] under [[Ruin]]'s control might have been capable of duplicating the feat.
The name for an Atium [[Ferring]] is, as of yet, unknown;, asdue to the fact none have been discovered to the knowledge of the world at large.