Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fedik»

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(Don't know how to make this a proper reference)
m (interesting wob there)
'''Fedik''' was a member of the party that travelled with [[Alendi]] to the [[Well of Ascension]].{{book ref|mb1|29}}
He was stabbed by a mist spirit.{{qa http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=ref|1160#|97|Is the mist spirit in Alendi's logbooks the same as the one Vin sees?|date=2015-10-12}}{{book ref|mb1|29}} He discovered the Well.{{book ref|mb1|33}}
[[Rashek]] spread rumours that Alendi stabbed Fedik himself.{{book ref|mb2|16}}
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{{Mistborn|trilogyEra 2}}