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: Lightning is a Epic in Snowfall's band in Sacramento. he was also a possible planned target of the Reckoners.
; [[Mitosis (Epic)|Mitosis]]
: Mitosis, or Lawrence Robert, was able to make exact copies of himself. He split into two, each clone able to replicate itself. There is not a known limit of how many copies of himself he could make. If any copies of Mitosis exist, then he can still live. All the clones are connected and if one is killed they all know it. They can't share memories until they recombine. It was thought that the more copies that were made, the dumber they would get. That was proved false. When a copy was killed, the corpses decomposed into goo. The more clones that were created, the weaker their molecular structure holds together. Music from his old band, Weaponized Cupcakes, was his weakness and caused his copies to disintegrate. As of now, his power is assumed to be unique by the Reckoners. Mitosis came from Babylon Restored, while Prof and Cody had been in Babilar, a part of Babylon Restored, to find David and learn how Steelheart was killed. He was, before Calamity, part of an old rock group, Weaponized Cupcakes.
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