Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vorinismo»

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m (→‎Beliefs: +cite)
People are expected to choose a Calling, their greatest talent, and those who grow to be the very best at their Calling are chosen to join the Heralds in the fight to regain the Tranquiline Halls when they die. Those who are the very best at farming in life become farmers for the Heralds in death, and those who are the greatest at battle are chosen to fight beside the Heralds.{{book ref|twok|3}}{{book ref|twok|i|8}}{{book ref|twok|16}}{{book ref|twok|18}}{{book ref|twok|28}} It is taught that those who do not achieve their greatest potential are given to a sort of dreamless sleep, stuck in limbo-like eternity, and those who do horrible things will be cast into Damnation.{{cite}}
Symmetry was considered holy, so many names are symmetrical or close to symmetrical. Names that are actually symmetrical are looked upon as 'too holy' and are frowned upon by Vorinism. Many Rosharans are named as similar to the heralds, e.g. Shallan's namesake is Shalash, the herald of beauty.{{cite}}
== Titles ==
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