Diferencia entre revisiones de «Trelagismo»

1 byte añadido ,  hace 12 años
→‎Beliefs: Punctuation.
m (bref'ed AoL refs even if it doesnt exist)
m (→‎Beliefs: Punctuation.)
Trelagism was a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dualism dualist] religion named after the god '''Trell'''. Trell's opposite was '''Nalt''', and the two were believed to be brothers.
Trelagists believed that night was sacred and daylight was profane. During the night, Trelagists were able to see the Thousand Eyes of Trell (the stars) watching over them, but during the day, Nalt - jealous of the worship given to his brother, - would shine his single eye (the sun) on the land, blocking Trelagists from seeing Trell's eyes.
One can speculate that their religious observances, if they had any, were at their height during the winter months, and summer months may have contained many petitions to Trell or attempts to ward off Nalt's jealousy. (See "Geography", below.)
