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'''Soulcasting''' is a form of [[Surgebinding]] on [[Roshar]].{{qa ref|618|50|Is Soulcasting a subset of Surgebinding?|date=Aug 4th, 2011}} Soulcasting involves manipulating the [[Surge]] of Transformation. There is also a type of [[fabrial]] that allows anyoneSomeone to Soulcast without the a [[Nahel Bond]] or a [[Honorblade]].
== Soulcasting by Binding a Surge ==
Soulcasting allows the Surgebinder to transform any material into one of the [[Ten Essences]]. The Soulcasting of the [[Ten Essences]] is much easier than other materials, For example drinkable water is alsoharder possibleto butmake notthan asblood simplewould tobe because blood is one of the [[Ten accomplishEssences]].{{Cite}}
In general, in order to Soulcast a specific Essence, the Surgebinder needs the corresponding gemstone which is infused with [[Stormlight]].{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}} The Soulcasting itself uses the Stormlight.
In order to perform a Soulcasting, the [[Surgebinder]] visitsneeds to send their mind into [[Shadesmar]] to connect with the cognitive aspect of the object they wish changed. Once connected they must convince the object to change. Presumably living creatures have a Cognitive aspect that is separate from their mind in [[shadesmar]]. Lightweavers and Elsecallers have inherent Soulcasting ability.{{book ref|sa1|72}}
== Soulcasting by the use of a fabrial ==
Users of Soulcasting fabrials had to use [[stormlightStormlight]] from the corresponding gemstone. The fabrials themselves were considered holy objects,{{book ref|sa1|5}} used only by [[Ardent]]s and in extreme secrecy. Each [[Fabrial]] can Change up to three of the different essences. There are no known [[Fabrial]]s that can produce the essence associated with blood. {{Cite}}
Soulcasting with a [[Fabrial]] requires the user to be in physical contact with the object they wish to transform.{{Cite}}
The long-term use of a Soulcasting [[Fabrial]] Appears to begin transforming the user slowly into the essence they frequently transform other objects into. Some of the the ardents (also known as Soulcasters) that utilize these devices develop crystalline eyes and stone-like skin with cracks. There may also be effects on the user's personality, but this may be due to the way many Nations utilize their Soulcasters. At least one Soulcaster appears to have been drawn to become smoke with the object she was transforming. She had already started to become Smoke in places, having progressed to the point where she had a hole in her cheek that leaked smoke. This process is diffrent from simply having transformed a portion of themselves accidentally. {{Cite}}
The long-term use of a Soulcasting Fabrial seems to have a number of side effects. The ardents (also known as Soulcasters) that utilize these devices develop crystalline eyes and stone-like skin with cracks. There may also be effects on the user's personality, but this may be due to the attitudes of the Soulcaster order of ardents.
; Notable Soulcasters
* [[Jasnah Kholin]]'s [[Jasnah's soulcaster|soulcaster]]
* [[House Davar]]'s [[Davar soulcaster|broken soulcaster]]
== Known Soulcasters ==
[[Jasnah]] and [[Shallan]] both possessed Soulcasting abilities.
* [[Jasnah|Jasnah Kholin]]
* [[Shallan|Shallan Devar]]
* [[Hoid]]
;Fabiral Users
* [[JasnahHouse KholinDavar]]'s [[Jasnah'sDavar soulcaster|broken soulcaster]]
* House Kholin maintains a monopoly on all Soulcasters in their kingdom.
* Highmarshall [[Azure]]'s captured soulcaster (likely controlled by the Fused now)
