Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Juramentada»

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(minor edit)
;Plot Summary
Kalidin and the parshmen he is traveling with reach a city. Kaladin sees so many parshemen and he has a hard time beleiving that there are so many. He decides that it is time to leave the parshmen. He leaves just before a Highstorm. Two Fused, the name of some parshmen form, chase him. They have similer powers to him, but aren't as experienced and can't fly through a highstorm as well as Kalidin. He sees the human prisoners and tries to get them to shelter. He fails to get all of the humans to safety before the highstorm hits. He pleads with the stormfather to divert the storm, the stormfather. The stormfather dinies his request. He continues trying to save the humans. His power attracts windspren and he is able to create a windbreak with them. Kalidin gets severel to safety but not enough. He flies out of the storm and is lead to Urithiru. He makes it back to the tower city at the end of the townchapter.
{{anchor|Chapter 32}}
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