Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Forjadores de Vínculos»

; Merging the Realms:
During the defense of ThaylenarThaylenah, Dalinar Kholin displayed the ability to use the Surges of Adhesion and Tension, recreating Honor's perpendicularity through merging the Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual Realms -- allowing gems to be recharged, as if in a highstorm, while also making spren manifest fully in the Physical Realm. This process is done by 'slamming' both hands that are 'leashing' the Cognitive and Spiritual Realms together, and was referred to by Odium as 'Ascending'. This is an ability not known to exist pre-Recreance, and whether it can be used in another Realm beyond the Physical is undetermined.
== Quotes ==
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