Diferencia entre revisiones de «Arena Blanca Volumen 1»

== Characters ==
{{for|:Category: Daysiders|a full list of Dayside characters}}
;[[Kenton]]: A [[sand master]]
{{for|:Category: Darksiders|a full list of Darkside characters}}
;[[Khrissalla]]: A Duchess from [[Darkside]]
;[[Kenton]]: A weak but skilled [[sand master]] whose [[Praxton|father]] is Lord Mastrell of the [[Diem]]
;[[Baon]]: A bowman from [[Darkside]]
;[[Khrissalla]]: A Darksider duchess who has traveled to Dayside in search of her late [[Gevalden|fiance]] and the secrets of sand mastery
;[[Jon Acron]]: A [[Darkside]] professor
;[[Baon]]: A Darksider bowman who accompanies Duchess Khrissalla
;[[Ais]]: A [[Kerzta|Kerztian]] [[trackt]] in search of a criminal mastermind
;[[Aarik]]: Kenton's childhood friend
== Setting ==
Editors, Keepers
