Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

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Alcatraz is captured and quickly tied up in a net. The Librarians search his stuff and find his Oculator's Lenses in his jacket, which they quickly destroy with some sort of gun. Alcatraz tries to engage his Talent to break the netting, but it refuses to work for him. Going through his jacket, they next find his Translator's and Courier's Lenses and destroy them too. After finding his Bestower's Lenses and destroying one of them, a fleet of glass birds holding Knights of Crystallia and Grandpa swoop into the city. Grandpa had arrived earlier than possible because he thought he was arriving late (past midnight). Alcatraz's captors are temporarily stunned by the turn of events, dropping his Lenses. Then one of them decides to kill Alcatraz and pulls out a conventional gun. Alcatraz notices the pack of bears lying right next to him, and he manages to pull the tag on one of them just as he's shot, vaporizing the bullet, the net holding him down, and his clothes.
==Chapter ∞ ==
Editors, Keepers
