Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

==Chapter Four Teens and a Pickle==
Bastille and others around the city stand on stilts watching for another Librarian tunnel. Alcatraz explains to Kaz that once a tunnel appears, everyone will clear the area so the Librarians can advance into the city away from the hole. Then six Mokian runners will use the tunnel to run out to the robots and knock them over with teddy bears. The dome only has about 15 minutes left before it breaks. While they wait for a tunnel to appear, Alcatraz shares his theory about the [[Incarna]] with Kaz. He believes that they wanted to make themselves Lenses, and that's how they got Talents, but only the Semdry line survived. Kaz figures that Alcatraz's parents wanted to find the secret but disagreed on what to do with it. Bastille reports a disturbance in the ground nearby. They head that direction.
==Chapter 8675309==
Editors, Keepers
