Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Las Lentes Fragmentadas»

m (→‎Chapter 42: tweak)
==Chapter 42==
After a supposedly long, exciting, event-filled flight, the team finds themselves hanging upside down from some vines after having been shot down. Kaz scouts the area and finds that they are outside Tuki Tuki. As Alcatraz gathers information on the group's assets, he notices that Grandpa has slipped a couple more pairs of lenses into his jacket: another set of Courier's lenses and a set of Bestower's lenses. Alcatraz uses his boosting power to talk to Grandpa through the Courier's lenses, and he tells Alcatraz that he needs to use the Communicator's Glass in the palace to call the Mokian embassy in Nalhalla to convince themthe Knights that he's really there. They proceed to the capitol and find three (six, after Aydee counts them erroneously) giant robots and a large Librarian army camped outside. Kaz offers to use his Talent to get past them and the glass dome protecting the city, but Alcatraz has another idea.
==Chapter 144==
Editors, Keepers
