Diferencia entre revisiones de «Eondel»

8 bytes eliminados ,  hace 8 años
A small detail about his death was fixed.
(I fixed one last thing.)
(A small detail about his death was fixed.)
Before Raoden was taken by the Shaod and thrown into Elantris, Eondel supported his movements. When Sarene came to Kae, he supported her in her plan to overthrow King Iadon. He also helped her take supplies into Elantris for her Widow's Trial, and saved her from being killed by one of Shaor's men.
After Sarene's plans were foiled by Hrathen and Duke Telrii became king, Eondel led his men in retaking the throne. He personally slew Telrii, but wasdied killedfrom bypreviously Dilafgotten moments after doing sowounds.
Eondel had a personal army,{{book ref|Elantris|11}} which was accepted to be the most effective fighting force in Arelon.
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