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=== Nalthis (Warbreaker) ===
*[[Warbreaker]] - [[Lightsong]] summons him to the [[Court of the Gods]], where he recounts the story of [[Vo]], explains the origin of the [[Hallandren]] God Kings, and answers Lightsong and [[Siri]]'s questions.{{book ref|wb|32}} Also,He whenlikely Hoidacheived appearsperfect inpitch [[Kaladin]]'swhile prisonon inthis [[Words of Radiance]]world, hefrom claims to have perfect pitch while tuning his instrumentbreath.{{book ref|wb|52}} Perfect pitch is acquired after having the Third Awakening, which is obtained by taking in Breath, something existing only on Nalthis.
=== Roshar (The Stormlight Archive) ===
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