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=== The [[Coup of Urteau]] ===
Not long after the battle in Luthadel it was discovered that Urteau, the formal capital of Straff Venture's country, had been taken from Elend's empire by rebel skaa. Urteau had once been a major center of power for House Venture, but they had moved their major influence to Luthadel and the canals that had once formed Urteau's streets had inexplicably gone dry. They were leaderled by a man named Quellion, who took of the city, and gave himself the the title of the "Citzen". Quellion had taken Kelsier's viewpoints against the nobles to an extreme, burning alive everyone who had any noble blood in their family alive in the former noble houses. Spook had been dispatched there to gather intelligence on Quellion's rule and find any potential weaknesses that could be exploited in order to get Urteau back into the hands of Elend. Spook during this time period began flaring his [[tin]] constantly, as a result of his guilt about abandoning his uncle, Clubs, to die in the Battle of Luthadel. This process eventually transformed him into an Allomantic [[savant]], giving him senses above any other Tineye while he was burning the metal, but extremely weak compared to non-Allomancers when he stopped. Before long Spook was joined by Breeze, Allriane, and Sazed, who were fresh formfrom their victory convincing the Lekal Kingdom to join Elend's empire. Spook attempted to spy on the Citizen, but became enamored with Quellion's beautiful sister [[Beldre]]. Later when Beldre and Quellion were in the streetslots Spook attempted to speak to her. Quellion caught him and sent his guards after Spook, who were secretly Pewterarms. Spook attempted to fight them himself but in a desperate attempt to stop Spook, one Pewterarm thrust his steel sword through the heart of the other, and into Spook's arm. The blade broke and left a fragment of steel inside of Spook, who fainted from blood-loss. The precise placement of the thrust had been manipulated by Ruin, who wanted to get a Hemalurgic spike into Spook so he could influence him. This spike also gave Spook the ability to burn [[pewter]].
When Spook awakens in a burning noble manor, his place of execution, Ruin speaks into his mind using the voice of Kelsier. He gets Spook to use some pewter and using his new strength Spook escapes, setting off a new chain of rumors about this "Survivor of the Flames".
=== The [[Siege of Fadrex City]] ===
