Diferencia entre revisiones de «Pendiente de Vin»

2 bytes eliminados ,  hace 9 años
changed wording
m (changed wording)
== The Hero of Ages ==
In [[The Hero of Ages]], Vin's earring is revealed to be a hemalurgic spike. Her mother killed her sister (who was a [[bronze|Seeker]]) and put it in Vin's ear. This explains Vin's ability to see throughpenetrate most copperclouds. Because Vin wears the earring, [[Ruin]] is able to speak with her directly, and does so throughout this book. [[Marsh]] eventually recognizes her earring for what it is, and is able to remove it from her ear against the wishes of Ruin, thereby saving Vin's life and enabling her to utilize the [[Mist]]s.
== Notes ==
