Diferencia entre revisiones de «Colapso»

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The '''Collapse''' was the night when the Final Empire on [[Scadrial]] ended.
When [[Vin]] killed [[Lord Ruler|The Lord Ruler]] while the skaa revolted in [[Luthadel]], his empire broke apart.{{ref|b|mb1|c|38}} ThatThis event was called the Collapse. In that very night of the Collapse, [[Elend Venture|Elend]] was chosen as king{{cite}} <!--- cite: link to anntoations mb1, epilogue part 1 http://www.brandonsanderson.com/annotation/177/Mistborn-Epilogue-Part-One ... I don't get it right. :/ ---> and spoke to the people of Luthadel.{{ref|b|mb3|c|14}}
{{event|title=History of [[Scadrial]]
|prev=[[Final Empire]]
|this=Skaa rebellion and Collapse
|next=[[BattleSiege of HathsinLuthadel]]
