Diferencia entre revisiones de «Balat Davar»

53 bytes añadidos ,  hace 11 años
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|parents=[[Shallan's father|father]], [[Shallan's mother|mother]]
|siblings=[[Asha Jushu]], [[Helaran]], [[Shallan]], [[Tet Wikim]]
|books=[[TheStormlight Way of KingsArchive]]
'''Balat Davar''' was a lighteyed [[Veden]] on [[Roshar]]. {{ref|b|sa1|i|2}}
His siblings included [[Shallan]], [[Tet Wikim]], [[Asha Jushu]], and the late [[Helaran]].
Nan Balat was 23 years old, and suffered an injury in his leg that nearly caused the surgeon to cut it off. He walked with a cane. He is betrothed to [[Eylita]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|29}}
He had a fascination with killing animals, the only way he can 'preserve his sanity.'{{ref|b|sa1|i|2}}
== Notes ==
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