Diferencia entre revisiones de «Runian»

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|earth=Frugal Wizard
|booksintroduced=[[The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England]]
In his childhood, he would often go fishing with a woman he called Grandmother Dobson, he still looks fondly upon those memories.{{book ref|frugal|17}}
He joined art school, but he felt as if he could never compete with anyone else in the school, he dropped out.{{book ref|frugal|12}} Following his dropping out, he tried to join the police with [[Ryan Chu]], training as a forensic artist, but was eventually droppedkicked out of that as well because "he didn't have the right attitude", as his teachers told him.{{book ref|frugal|17}}
Washed up and with nowhere to go, he joined Fabian Augments, but ultimately was just used as a door guard after his career as a boxer who played in rigged fights to earn his boss, [[Ulric]], money.{{book ref|frugal|13}}{{book ref|frugal|22}}{{book ref|frugal|28}} During his last fight, his chest and head augments were purposely turned off, and he threw the fight with [[Quinn]], but due to the lack of augments he was damaged far more than usual and had to quit.{{book ref|frugal|22}}{{book ref|frugal|23}}{{book ref|frugal|28}}
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