Diferencia entre revisiones de «Thanadal»

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m (Texto reemplazado: «tag|Sons of Honor» por «tag|Hijos de Honor»)
|residence=Alethi warcamps
|groups={{tag|HijosSons deof Honor}}{{book ref|sa4|7}}
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Highprince Thanadal''' is a [[highprince]] of [[Alethkar]].{{book ref|sa1|18}} His [[Thanadal princedom| princedom]] is in central Alethkar,{{map ref|Alethkar}} and his colors are red and brown.{{book ref|sa1|28}} Thanadal's army has one full [[Shardbearer]], Brightlord [[Resi]], who carries a set of Shards passed down by the royal line and usually given to a warrior who is also given the title of [[Royal Defender]]. His army also contains three other men who have either [[Shardplate|Plate]] or [[Shardblade|Blade]]; Thanadal himself has neither.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
After the [[Battle of Narak]] and the following settling of the tower city of [[Urithiru]], most of the Alethi [[highprince]]s moved across the Shattered Plains with their war camps in tow. When they vacated the craters they had occupied as well as the surrounding land and resources, they left them for Highprinces Thanadal and [[Vamah]], who had decided not to make the move.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Thanadal took advantage of the opportunity to build himself a virtual kingdom of his own in the area.{{book ref|sa3|104}} The political implications of Thanadal's refusal to join the others in Urithiru with regards to its subsequent rising power is uncertain. However, [[Highprince of Commerce]] [[Turinad Sebarial]] worried over Thanadal's continued seizure of Alethi resources on the [[Shattered Plains]],{{book ref|sa3|104}} and [[Aladar]] expressed worry to Dalinar that without Thanadal's forces joining those at Urithiru, their armies would be too weak to establish Urithiru as the bastion of order he had envisioned.{{book ref|sa3|2}}
Thanadal was a member of the [[Sons of Honor]].{{book ref|sa4|7}} During the year following the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] he had rose up their ranks and became aware of the group's secrets. The [[Ghostbloods]] ultimately assassinated him despite him trying to negotiate.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
The Kholins used to think that [[Ialai Sadeas]] was the one who ordered Highprinces Vamah and Thanadal to be assassinated.{{book ref|sa4|6}} But, moments from her death, Ialai told [[Shallan]] that the [[Ghostbloods]] were the ones who actually assassinated the two Highprinces.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
== Trivia ==
== Notes ==
<references /><!--sa1: 18, 28, 58. sa2: 14, 24, 29, 36, 67, 68. sa3: 2, 21, 40, 104-->
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