Diferencia entre revisiones de «Plantilla:Toponym link»

sin resumen de edición
-->}}</includeonly><noinclude>[[category: link macros]]
This template generates a link to a location for infoboxes, capitalizing the first letter and handling any cases where the link target is different from the display text (e.g., when the name of the location is [[:category: disambiguation pages|ambiguous]] with another page). If the location is not listed at {{t|toponym}}, it returns a standard link.
-->|final empire|imperio final|el imperio final=Imperio Final<!--
-->|elendel basin|cuenca de elendel=Cuenca de Elendel<!--
-->|roughs|los áridos=Los Áridos<!--
-->|horneater|horneaters|unkalaki|horneater peaks|picos comecuernos=Picos Comecuernos<!--
-->|purelake|purelaker|purelakers|lagopuro|el lagopuro=Lagopuro<!--
-->|reshi|reshi isles|las islas reshi=Islas Reshi<!--
-->|shattered plains|llanuras quebradas|las llanuras quebradas=Llanuras Quebradas<!--
-->|alethi warcamps|campamentos de guerra alezi=Campamento de guerra<!--
-->|forests of hell|bosques del infierno|los bosques del infierno=bosques del infierno<!--
-->|elantris|elantrian|elantrians=Elantris (ciudad)<!--
-->|lux=Lux (city)<!--
-->|redawn|realba=ReAlba (planeta)<!--
-->|evershore|orilla perpetua=Orilla Perpetua (planeta)<!--
-->}}<noinclude>[[category: link macros]]
This template includes all special cases of {{t|toponym}} for pages which need to be made [[:category: disambiguation pages|unambiguous]] or whose display text is otherwise different from the true link.
See also: {{t|toponym}}, {{t|demonym}}, {{t|toponym tag}}
Editors, Keepers
