Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ka»

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{{in progress}}
|profession=BarmaidCamarera, ScribeEscriba
|abilities={{tag+|windrunner}}, {{tag|Shardbearer|cat=Shardbearers}}{{wob ref|16425}}
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Ka''' ises aun scribeescriba forde aun squadescuadrón ofde [[WindrunnersCorredores del Viento]] onen [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa4|3}} SheConoció first encountereda [[BridgePuente FourCuatro]] duringdurante thela [[Era ofde Solitudela Soledad]] whilemientras workingtrabajaba as acomo barmaidcamarera aten theel [[Ornery Chull Gruñón]], auna taberna taverndel incampamento thede Kholinguerra warcampde Kholin onen thelas [[ShatteredLlanuras PlainsQuebradas]].{{book ref|sa2|46}} She isEstá engagedprometida tocon [[Peet]].{{book ref|sa3|35}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
Ka ises auna prettybonita mujer [[darkeyedojos oscuros]] woman.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Ka ises good-natured,de willingbuen tocarácter, teasedispuesta anda banterbromear withcon thelos menhombres ofdel [[BridgePuente FourCuatro]].{{book ref|sa2|46}} SheParece seemsdisfrutar toespecialmente particularlyburlándose enjoy poking fun atde [[Lunamor]], rollingponiendo herlos eyesojos aten hisblanco attemptsante tosus flatterintentos herde adularla. She gives themTambién specialles attentionpresta atespecial theatención tavernen asla welltaberna, servingsirviéndoles thembebidas drinksen atsu theirmesa tablecuando whenlos othersdemás havetienen toque goir toa thela barbarra toa orderpedir.
==Atributos y habilidades==
==Attributes and Abilities==
SheTiene is educatedestudios, asya sheque issabe ableleer toy readescribir and write inen [[women'sescritura scriptfemenina]]. She isTambién alsoes ablecapaz tode operateutilizar auna [[spanreedvinculacañas|vinculacaña]].{{book ref|sa2|68}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
Ka livedvivía onen thelas ShatteredLlanuras PlainsQuebradas duringdurante thela [[WarGuerra ofde Reckoningla Venganza]]. SheComenzó begana workingtrabajar aten auna taverntaberna indel thecampo Kholinde warcampguerra calledde theKholin llamada [[Ornery Chull Gruñón]].{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Sometime after the [[Battle of the Tower]], Ka began a relationship with [[Peet]], a member of [[Bridge Four]]. The evening that [[Kaladin]] and [[Moash]] met with [[Graves]] and the other conspirators at the Ornery Chull, Ka brought them to a private table and served drinks to the two of them, as well as to Peet, [[Lopen]], and Lunamor.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Ka presumably remained a scribe for Peet's Windrunner squad in Urithiru. She accompanied the group who took the ''[[Fourth Bridge]]'' to Hearthstone and used a [[spanreed]] for [[Navani]] during the trip, acting as an intermediary between the ''Fourth Bridge'' and the group in Urithiru running the gemstone lattice that moved the flying ship.{{book ref|sa4|3}}
Peet seemed to be smitten with Ka when he met her at the Ornery Chull. Peet often came to the tavern to see Ka, sometimes bringing his companions from Bridge Four. Peet's infatuation was rather obvious; he was excited to talk to Ka, and sometimes helped her clear tables while she was at work. Ka became friendly with Bridge Four, particularly with [[Lunamor]], whom she teased about his fondness for strong [[Horneater]] lagers.{{book ref|sa2|46}} Ka and Peet's relationship progressed quickly and they were engaged a short time later.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
Ka has a sister who also lives in Urithiru during the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa4|12}}
== TriviaCuriosidades ==
* Ka and [[Peet]] are cameos for [[Karen Ahlstrom]] and [[Peter Ahlstrom]].{{wob ref|12956}}
* Ka usually manifests her [[Shardblade]] as a pen.{{wob ref|16425}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 17:21, 25 January 2021 (UTC)}}
