Diferencia entre revisiones de «Runian»

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== History ==
=== Early Life ===
In his childhood, he would often go fishing with a woman he called Grandmother Dobson, he still looks fondly upon those memories.{{book ref|frugal|17}}
At some point, Jen left for what he thought was Europe, and disappeared. Several months later he called her family to see if she was alright, and had her grandmother inform him, wrongly, that she was dead. Believing that she passed away in an accident, he spiraled further into despair.{{book ref|frugal|34}}
=== New Dimension ===
Hating his life and wanting to escape, he stole into Ulric's office and choose a random dimension to go into, but without the proper preparation, he crashed into it and lost most of his memory.{{book ref|frugal|1}} Here he was found by the natives of the dimension, and mistaken for an [[aelv]]; and in this misunderstanding, he was knocked out and taken captive.{{book ref|frugal|4}}
After saving the country from Ulric and the [[Hordamen]], and after learning how he could prevent his presence from harming the entities around him, he decided to continue living in the dimension, and eventually married [[Sefawynn]].{{book ref|frugal|epilogue}}{{expand}}
== Relationships ==
=== Sefawynn ===
John first met Sefawynn when he was captured just after his arrival to the dimension. Sefawyn is a [[Weswaran]] [[skop]] and decides that John is not an Aelv but is just a charlatan. After Sefawynn's brother is taken they leave with [[Ealstan]] the thegn of [[Stenford]].{{book ref|frugal|5}} Throughout the journey John and Sefawynn grow closer together, eventually falling in love. In the end John decides to stay as his interference will protect Sefawynn from the wrath of [[Woden]]. Eventually they get married.{{book ref|frugal|epilogue}}
== Notes ==
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