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|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Dul''' ises aun [[singercantor]] onen [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa4|11}} A formerFue [[parshmanparshmenio]], heanteriormente. isEs aun membermiembro ofdel grupo de cantores de [[Venli]]'s groupque ofdesea singersliberarse thatde wishes to be free of thelos [[FusedFusionado]]s.{{book ref|sa4|11}}
==Apariencia y personalidad==
==Appearance and Personality==
Dul ises aun tallcantor malenhombren singeralto. HisSu skinpiel ises redroja withcon smallpequeños hintstoques ofde blacknegro. InEn [[mediationformforma de mediación]], hetiene hasuna ancara openabierta facey andun smoothcaparazón carapacesuave.{{book ref|sa4|51}}
Dul ises pragmaticpragmático, loyal,leal andy trustworthyconfiable.{{book ref|sa4|102}} HeTambién alsotiene hassentido a sense ofdel humor.{{book ref|sa4|51}} HeRecogió pickedalgunos upgestos ahumanos fewy humancostumbres mannerismsde andsu customstiempo fromcomo his time as a parshmanparshmenio,{{book ref|sa4|11}}{{book ref|sa4|51}} butpero heaún stillhabla speaksy andentona humslos to the oldantiguos [[rhythmritmo]]s.{{book ref|sa4|56}} HeDesea ferventlyfervientemente wantsescapar todel escapedominio thede rule of thelos [[FusedFusionado]]s, sotanto muchque sopuede thatllevarlo it can bring hima tolas tearslágrimas.{{book ref|sa4|51}}
==Atributos y habilidades==
==Attributes and Abilities==
Dul ises aun commoncantor singercomún andy ises capablecapaz ofde bondingvincular variousvarios [[spren]] withindentro hisde su [[gemheartgema corazón]] topara wearllevar differentdiferentes formsformas. HeViste wearsla theforma rarelyde seen mediationformmeditación, andraramente it isvista, impliedy thatse hesugiere usesque otherusa formsotras asformas welltambién.{{book ref|sa4|51}}
{{image|Dul and Mazish by Dragontrill.jpg|side=left|width=250px|withcon [[Mazish]]}}
DuringDurante thela [[WarGuerra ofde Reckoningla Venganza]], Dul servedsirvió as acomo parshmanparshmenio inen [[AlethkarAlezkar]] alongjunto witha hissu matepareja, [[Mazish]]. HeCasi almostnunca neverhablaba spokecon tosu his masteramo. HeUna oncevez askedpreguntó ifsi heél andy Mazish could bepodrían marriedcasarse insegún thela humantradición traditionhumana, asya theyque followedseguían certainciertas Alethicostumbres customsalezi; hissu requestsolicitud wasfue angrilyrechazada deniedcon enojo. AfterTras thela comingllegada ofde thela [[Everstormtormenta eterna]], las mentes de Dul andy Mazish's mindsdespertaron werey awakenedse andunieron they(o joinedfueron (orreclutados) werepor conscriptedlas into)fuerzas de [[Odium]]'s forces. HoweverSin embargo, theypronto soonse becameconvirtieron someen ofalgunos thede firstlos singersprimeros recruitedcantores byreclutados por Venli topara joinunirse hera resistancesu movementmovimiento de resistencia.{{book ref|sa4|51}} The couple were ableLa topareja getpudo marriedcasarse afterdespués theyde wereser freedliberada.{{book ref|sa4|11}}
Dul became a friend of Venli's and one of the most trusted members of her inner circle. He was able to gain the position of [[stormsetter]] for [[Leshwi]]'s [[High Chamber]] in [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa4|11}} He assisted Venli with her subterfuge and maintained some level of oversight of new recruits; he advised them on how to act around the Fused.{{book ref|sa4|11}}{{book ref|sa4|51}} He was present when [[Shumin]] became Leshwi's assistant stormsetter, and subsequently attended a meeting with her in Venli's quarters. He lightly admonished Shumin for being inadequately prepared for Leshwi's tests.{{book ref|sa4|11}}
Dul was among the team of fifteen singers that Venli planned to covertly evacuate to Kholinar before fleeing to the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa4|102}} After Leshwi's rebellion and the liberation of the tower, Dul presumably went to the Shattered Plains via [[Oathgate]] with the rest of Venli's objectors, seeking to join the other [[listener]]s.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Big Smooth|Big Smooth]] ([[User talk:Big Smooth|talk]]) 04:08, 7 February 2021 (UTC)}}
