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'''Spensa Nightshade''', identificador '''Peonza''', es una piloto de la [[Fuerza de Defensa Desafiante]] en [[Detritus]], hija de [[Zeen Nightshade]] y una [[Citónica (habilidad)|citónica]].
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
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|I’m not exactly a ‘there are nuances to this situation’ type of girl. I’m more of an ‘if its still moving, you didn’t use enough ammunition’ type of girl.
|Spensa{{book ref|cytonic|prologue}}
Spensa istiene nearlycerca twentyde yearsveinte oldaños{{book ref|cytonic|40}}, withcon brownpelo haircastaño andy ismide 151 centimeters tallcentímetros (4'11" inen feetpies).{{book ref|skyward|1}}{{book ref|skyward|29}} Spensa's favoriteSu color isfavorito es el bloodrojo redsangre{{wob ref|13311}} andy sheprefiere prefersla simplecomida butsencilla flavorfulpero foodsabrosa.{{wob ref|11326}}
Como hija de "El cobarde de Alta", Spensa
As the daughter of "The Coward of Alta", Spensa was looked down upon by her fellow Defiants. As a result, she acted fiercely when confronted by others and used intimidation as a defense mechanism. Spensa would often lash out at people who threatened her and even those who didn't, using a wide and somewhat graphic vocabulary inspired by stories of glorious heroes from Earth that her grandmother told her. She was certain that her father was not a coward like everyone thought, and she was bent on proving it by seeming as 'brave' as possible. However, she believed that bravery was about being the most daring warrior and to never show fear. She thought that anything less would make her a coward and prove that the DDF had been right about her father.
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