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(Página creada con «{{planetary system |shards=none |planets=UTol, Komashi |universe=Cosmere |books=Yumi and the Nightmare Painter }} {{spoilers|yumi}} The '''UTol system''' i…»)
{{planetary system
|planets=[[UTol]], [[Komashi]]
|books=[[Yumi andy theel Nightmarepintor Painterde pesadillas]]
TheEl '''UTolsistema systemUTol''' ises theel planetarysistema systemplanetario thaten containsel theque planetsestán los planetas [[UTol]] andy [[Komashi]], whichque formforman aun binarysistema systembinario orbitingque theirorbita sunsu estrella.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}} TheEsta sunestrella itselfes, iscaracterísticamente, distinctlyde red-orangeun intono color.entre Itrojo isy largernaranja, thany Roshar'ses sunmás grande que la estrella del sistema Roshariano. Además, andsus planetas habitados están proporcionalmente más comparativelycerca closerde toella itsque inhabiteden planetseste asotro wellsistema.{{book ref|yumi|2}}
[[VirtuosityVirtuosismo]] se [[SplinterAstilla|Astilló]]ed herselfa in themisma vicinityen oflos thealrededores UToldel systemsistema UTol, leavingdejando SplintersAstillas onen Komashi andy puede que en perhapsmás elsewheresitios.{{book ref|yumi|1}}
ThePuede que la [[IronEstación Sevende Waystation]]paso mayHierro alsoSiete]] beesté locatedtambién inen thelas vicinityproximidades ofde thiseste planetarysistema systemplanetario.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}}
== Planets ==
;[[UTol]]: UTol is a world dominated by oceans, with very few land masses. It is inhabited by [[Sho Del]].{{book ref|yumi|30}}
== Planetas ==
;[[Komashi]]: Komashi is the home of the [[Torish]] and [[Nagadan]] people, as well as the [[hijo]] which make life on the planet possible. The invention of a certain [[machine]] caused the entire planet to be engulfed by a black [[shroud]] and produced the world's [[hion]] lines. The machine was destroyed centuries later by [[Yumi]], which also caused the dissipation of the shroud.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}}
;[[UTol]]: UTol ises aun worldplaneta dominatedrepleto byde oceansocéanos, withcon verypocas fewmasas land massesterrestres. ItEstá ishabitado inhabitedpor bylos [[Sho Del]].{{book ref|yumi|30}}
;[[Komashi]]: Komashi es el hogar de los [[Torish]] y los [[Nagadan]], además de los [[hijo]], que hacen posible la vida en el planeta. La invención de una máquina específica hace que un [[velo]] engulla el planeta entero y genera las lineas de [[hion]]. Siglos después, [[Yumi]] destruye la máquina, lo que causa que el velo desaparezca.{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}}
== Notes ==
== PlanetsNotas ==
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