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Página reemplazada por «<big><big>Bienvenidos a Atrapa el Gazapo - Primera Edición</big></big> En este juego os proponemos que os pongáis el ''sombrero de revisor'' y actuéis como uno de…»
(Página reemplazada por «<big><big>Bienvenidos a Atrapa el Gazapo - Primera Edición</big></big> En este juego os proponemos que os pongáis el ''sombrero de revisor'' y actuéis como uno de…»)
Etiqueta: Reemplazo
<big><big>Bienvenidos a Atrapa el Gazapo - Primera Edición</big></big>
En este juego os proponemos que os pongáis el ''sombrero de revisor'' y actuéis como uno de ellos por un breve periodo de tiempo. En los enlaces que encontraréis en la parte final de esta página tenéis dos páginas, tanto el original en inglés como su "traducción" (si es que puede llamarse así) al español. Tendréis que copiar lo que aparece en la página en español y trasladarlo a vuestra página de usuario (en caso de que trabajéis en grupo, elegiréis en cuál de ellas lo colocaréis). Una vez copiado el código, os toca corregir. Por último, cuando lo tengáis listo, nos lo podéis decir a cualquiera de nosotras para que lo re-revisemos. De todas formas, el día que hagamos la llamada navideña, lo comentaremos entre todos.
{{magic system
|image=Vivenna by Ari Ibarra.jpg
|type=Fin-Neutral{{wob ref|6738}}
|books=[[Aliento de los dioses]], [[El archivo de las tormentas]]{{Book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
|La biocroma es el poder de la vida, y por eso busca pautas de vida.
|[[Vasher]]{{book ref|wb|46}}
Esperamos que disfrutéis de esta actividad extra y que al menos al final, os saquemos una sonrisa, porque al final para eso sirven estas cosas, para que nos lo pasemos todos bien.
El '''Despertar''' es una manifestación de la [[investidura]] en [[Nalthis]]. Es el arte de combinar el color, el [[Aliento biocromático]] ('''aliento''') y un [[Mandato]] de despertar para animar un objeto, dando lugar a uno de los cuatro tipos de [[Aliento biocromático#Tipos_de_entidades_biocromáticas|entidades bicromáticas]]. Se descubrió aproximadamente 400 años antes de la rebelión de [[Pahn Kahl]].{{book ref|wb|32}}
El proceso de Despertar comienza cuando un despertante libera parte de su Aliento almacenado en un objeto mediante el uso de un Mandato. Al hacerlo, debe estar también en contacto físico con una fuente de color (por ejemplo, un trozo de tela teñida). Si el Mandato es válido y se visualiza correctamente en la mente del despertante, el color se drena de la fuente de color y el objeto elegido se convierte en '''Despertado'''. Entonces procede a ejecutar el Mandato. Si el Mandato no es válido o no se visualiza correctamente, el objeto puede seguir siendo despertado, pero no tendrá ningún efecto.{{book ref|wb|35}}
'''Artículo en inglés''': [[Usuaria:Ayanyx/AtrapaelGazapoEng]]<br>
'''Artículo en español''': [[Usuaria:Ayanyx/AtrapaelGazapoEsp]]
== Aliento biocromático ==
Cada Nalthiano nace con un [[aliento]]. Cualquier persona con él puede utilizarlo para despertar, aunque es más difícil para un no-[[nalthiano]].{{wobcita ref|1473}} Se pueden utilizar otras Investiduras para alimentar el despertar, aunque el método de cómo hacerlo es difícil de averiguar.{{wob ref|12667}}{{wob ref|977}} Uno puede elegir ceder sus respiraciones otra persona, aumentando el número que ésta tiene.
Cuanto más alientos se tengan, más fácil será despertar, y más tipos se podrán realizar. Algunas proezas del despertar sólo pueden lograrse cuando se ha alcanzado una determinada [[elevación]].
*En la '''Sexta Elevación''' (~3500 Respiraciones), muchos Mandatos para despertar se vuelven instintivos.
*En la '''Octava Elevación''' (~10000 Respiraciones), el despertante puede anular los Mandatos de los objetos despertados por otros.{{book ref|wb|8}}
*En la '''Novena Elevación''' (~20000 Respiraciones), es posible despertar objetos inorgánicos.
* Finalmente, en la '''Décima Elevación''' (~50000 Respiraciones), el despertante adquiere la capacidad de drenar más color de los objetos para alimentar despertares más potentes, así como la capacidad de emitir Mandatos mentalmente.
==Color as fuel==
Awakening an object has the additional cost of draining the color of nearby objects. Color appears to act as a fuel for Awakening. Objects drained of their color usually turn grey, although an Awakener who achieved [[Heightening#Tenth_Heightening|Perfect Invocation]] could drain objects more fully, turning them white.{{book ref|wb|57}} If this happens to an object, it cannot be drained from white to grey.{{wob ref|11713}} While the color change is physical, there is also a Spiritual change happening to the object.{{wob ref|12900}}
An effective way to prevent an Awakener from using their art is removing all but grey or white objects in their vicinity. Black, although not commonly considered a color, is very effective as a source of fuel for Awakening.{{wob ref|6025}}
The dyes made from the tropical flower called the [[Tears of Edgli]] are very potent and are highly valued by Awakeners.{{wob ref|7969}} These flowers only grow in the jungles of [[Hallandren]], and is a chief source of the country's wealth.
In most cases, the color of living things cannot be used for Awakening.{{book ref|wb|46}} This is because the living soul interferes with the Awakening process. The color of things taken from living things, on the other hand, may be used.{{wob ref|2801}} An Awakener can, for example, use spilled blood as a color source.{{book ref|wb|56}}
If the colored object is small or the color drab, the Command will take much more Breath.{{book ref|wb|46}} Colors outside the visible spectrum, like ultraviolet, can be used as fuel for Awakening.{{wob ref|9552}}
Fire cannot be used to fuel Awakening.{{wob ref|14578}}
==Awakening Commands==
{{image|Vasher by Connor Chamberlain.jpg|side=right|width=300px|[[Vasher]] using Awakening}}
{{for|/Command|a list of all Commands}}
'''Commands''' are the [[focus]] for [[Awakening]].{{wob ref|6799}} The Commands used in Awakening are crucial to its success or failure. They must be clearly stated, properly visualized, spoken in a crisp and clear voice without mumbling or slurring{{book ref|wb|20}}, and said in the Awakener's native language.{{book ref|wb|46}} If there is strong enough Connection to another language, their native language would not need to be used.{{wob ref|2699}}
Many Commands are simple, concrete ideas expressed in phrases of two words or less in the imperative mood, usually consisting of a specific verb and a general subject (e.g. "Grab things"). While more complex Commands can be used, the more complex the Command the more difficult the visualization of the Command becomes. Advanced Commands tend to be jealously guarded by Awakeners.{{book ref|wb|46}} Awakening can be performed with sign language.{{wob ref|14720}}
In Awakening, the exact wording of the Command is important. An Awakener could, for example, give a piece of rope the Command "Hold things" so it will wrap itself around objects, but this will likely result in the rope simply wrapping itself around the Awakener's hand. The Command "Hold things when thrown" is more useful and only slightly more complex.{{book ref|wb|46}}
Incomplete or mumbled Commands will take Breath but create no effect.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} Sometimes Awakeners will intentionally do this or use Commands designed to have no effect to store their [[Breath]]s in an object.{{book ref|wb|49}}
At the Sixth [[Heightening]], Awakeners can use basic Commands instinctively and learn to use new Commands much more easily. At the Eighth Heightening, Awakeners can override others' Commands, though this is exhausting. Awakeners of the Ninth Heightening can Awaken stone and metal with specialized Commands, and can Awaken without touching the object they are Awakening. Vasher comments at one point that Awakeners at the Tenth Heightening can Command without speaking, though it takes a lot of training.{{book ref|wb|58}} Mental Commands do not require verbalization, but many believe they do since it has never worked without one.{{wob ref|11501}} Those with the [[Royal Locks]] have a much easier time learning to Awaken.{{book ref|wb|43}}{{wob ref|7340}}
===Basic Commands===
====Breath Transfer====
The first and most important [[Command]] is the one that allows any human being to give their [[Breath]] to another human being: ''"My life to yours, my Breath become yours."''{{book ref|wb|10}} Unlike most Awakening, this drains color from the user.{{wob ref|4060}}
This Command transfers all of a person's Breath at once no matter how many there are. An Awakener can also use this Command to store all of their Breath in an object to be retrieved later, or to prevent being sensed by other Awakener's life sense.{{wob ref|6955}} An Awakener can learn to split off some of their Breaths, Investing them into a place within themselves.{{wob ref|4501}}{{wob ref|7478}} Doing so would allow them to only transfer a certain number of their available Breaths.
====Breath Retrieval====
An Awakener can retrieve the Breath from an object they Awakened by touching the object and speaking the Command ''"Your Breath to mine."''{{book ref|wb|prologue}}
Note that only the Awakener who Awakened the object can retrieve Breath from it, though it is possible to Awaken an object so others can access the Breath.{{wob ref|461}} This Command also does not work on anything that the Breath has stuck to too strongly (e.g. corpses). A person who has put their Breaths into an object and died can retrieve them if they have Returned, but not if they are made into a Lifeless.{{wob ref|3594}} There are also tricks an Awakener can do to use other peoples Breaths or Awaken an object so that others could access its Breaths.{{wob ref|461}} If a Awakener has no [[Identity]] while Awakening an object, anyone would be able to retrieve the Breaths.{{wob ref|14423}}
===Simple Commands===
Simple Commands are composed of a verb and, often, a subject. These Commands do not take a lot of effort to visualize what you wish to have done. Examples in [[Warbreaker]] include:
*"Grab things" "Hold things" (used most often on ropes)
*"Protect me" (both Vivenna and Vasher are seen using this Command on their cloaks) This command sounds simple, but careful visualization of what you want it to do is important.
*"Attack and grab Denth!" (while this contains two commands, one can easily see the visualization for both being rather the same, so this is probably a simple Command. On the other hand, Vivenna is of the royal line and so Awakening is said to come easier to her; this Command may have been more complex than it seems)
===Advanced Commands===
Advanced Commands are often times whole phrases and require the Awakener to visualize the action that they wish the object to take. The more precise the Command the greater the need for that mental aspect to be clear in their mind.{{book ref|wb|46}}
*"Upon call, become my fingers and grip that which I must"
*"Become as my legs and give them strength"
*"Fight for me, as if you were me"
Other Commands may be simple-sounding but require a greater degree of mental control such as "Fetch keys" or "Find tunnels". Both of these Commands appear simple, but the visualizations required are actually quite complex.{{book ref|wb|46}}{{wob ref|6019}}
The Command given to [[Lifeless]] at creation provides for the giving of additional Commands (security phrases) without consuming extra Breath.{{book ref|wb|21}} The Command given to [[BioChromatic_Breath#Types_of_BioChromatic_entities|Type Four BioChromatic entities]], such as [[Nightblood]], takes on nuance and incredible power, becoming the core personality of the object.{{book ref|wb|51}}
==Non-Awakening Commands==
Awakening can be used for more than animating objects and there are different manipulations and manifestations of Breath.{{wob ref|2003}}
[[Vasher]] claims to know Commands that can erase a person's memories, and he even appears to use them once.{{wob ref|3165}} It is unclear how these Commands work, but it appears that they can only be used on oneself, as Vasher offers to teach them to [[Denth]] rather than using it himself, and appears to teach them to [[Misel]] after rescuing her from captivity.{{book ref|wb|49}}{{book ref|wb|57}}
Additionally, memories can be outsourced to Breaths, though if the Breaths are lost the memories are as well.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}} They can also be used to alert the Awakener of danger.
There are limitations on what a person can alter about themselves with Breaths.{{wob ref|3462}}
==BioChromatic hosts==
{{image|DESTROY EVIL!!!.jpeg|side=right|width=250px|A [[Returned]], a [[Lifeless]] and a sentient Awakened object}}
An Awakened object, or [[BioChromatic_Breath#Types_of_BioChromatic_entities|BioChromatic entities]], acts as a host for the BioChromatic Breath used to Awaken it. Some types of objects more readily accept Breaths than others, making them easier to Awaken. Receptivity to Breath depends on the object's shape, its history, and the material it is made of.
Generally, Awakening inorganic objects that have never been part of a living thing is very difficult, requiring extremely large amounts of Breath. Organic objects, especially those shaped like living things, are much easier to Awaken.{{book ref|wb|46}} It is unknown whether inorganic objects shaped like living things are easier to Awaken (for example, a bronze statue compared with a bronze sword). It is functionally impossible to Awaken liquids.{{wob ref|13202}}
On the other hand, closer proximity to a living form makes it harder to retrieve Breaths from an Awakened host.{{wob ref|6975}} For example, one generally can no longer recover the Breaths one used on a corpse.{{book ref|wb|46}} If the host is cut or broken, it will not die, and will try to continue its purpose. The level of damage will determine how well it can continue. The Breaths are also recoverable, but there could be some loss of Breaths, depending on how the host is destroyed.{{wob ref|5957}}
There are places that use Awakened objects as a source of energy and industry.{{wob ref|4627}}
[[Vasher]] categorizes BioChromatic entities into four Types.{{book ref|wb|46}} At some point Vasher had to change the system. He refers to [[spren]] as Type One Invested entities and describes them as power that came alive on its own. He adds that what he used to consider Type I are now considered Type II. It's not clear if other adjustments are made to his system.{{book ref|sa4|15}}
===Organic objects===
The process generally thought of as Awakening creates '''Type III BioChromatic entities''', a BioChromatic manifestation in an organic host far removed from being alive. Examples include Awakened ropes, cloth, or skeletal remains.
These are between the two extremes of inorganic objects and dead bodies. Therefore, these have the advantage of requiring less Breath (still more than corpses, often over one hundred) to Awaken than inorganic objects while at the same time allowing for Breath recovery. They have the strength to easily strangle people. The more it resembled living beings, the easier it is to be Awakened, so a skilled Awakener would prepare human-shaped and organic clothes for Awakening purposes.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} An Awakener who is not a human and has a different shape would have an easier time Awakening something that is similar to them in shape (such as a canine making cloth into the shape of a canine).{{wob ref|3660}} When Awakened, it tends to mimic living things, forming muscle-like structures or shape of hand.{{book ref|wb|5}} Awakened objects see similar to [[Steel Inquisitor]]s do via Iron and Steel lines.{{wob ref|145}} They are understandably the most common type of BioChromatic host entities created.{{book ref|wb|46}} However, other types of BioChromatc hosts are generally more powerful.
===Dead bodies===
When a Nalthian dies, there is a small chance that their corpse will Awaken in an apparently spontaneous manner as a sentient host called a [[Returned]], also known as a '''Type I BioChromatic entity'''.{{book ref|wb|46}} The Breath given to a Returned comes directly from the Shard [[Endowment]] through a process that is not yet clear.{{wob ref|5943}}
Most of the time, however, dead bodies only Awaken during the process of creating [[Lifeless]]. These creatures are made via complex Commands that reanimate a dead person or animal. These Commands are guarded closely by those who know them.
Lifeless, defined as Mindless Manifestations in a Deceased Host, or '''Type II BioChromatic entities''', are non-sentient reanimated human animal remains. They have a functioning brain, and are able to interpret old Commands and have new Commands given.{{book ref|wb|46}}
Type II entities are cheap to make, even with awkward Commands (used to cost 50 Breaths before the Manywar). This is due to the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism. However, Breath sticks so firmly to the construct that it is impossible to remove afterwards. Once a '''Lifeless''' is created, it will obey any instructions given to it that include a pre-determined '''Command Phrase''' (similar to a password).{{book ref|wb|46}} Human Lifeless are able to understand more abstract instructions than animal Lifeless. However, the skill of the Awakener who Awakens the Lifeless also affects its ability.{{wob ref|6799}} Any Lifeless will retain a level of skill that it had in life. For example, a soldier's corpse would make a better soldier Lifeless than that of a farmer's.{{book ref|wb|33}}
The Lifeless can function for a long time if cared and repaired. Lifeless can withstand wounds, but too much damage will eventually cause the Lifeless to cease activity, which means that Lifeless bodies need to be maintained and repaired (e.g. by sewing its wounds shut) when needed, otherwise they are going to need a new Breath.{{book ref|wb|33}} One innovation in Lifeless maintenance is the use of [[ichor-alcohol]], a substance discovered by [[Yesteel]] that could act as blood for Lifeless and that greatly prolongs their viability.
Lifeless created from bones encased in stone have the advantage of being extremely resilient and not needing [[ichor-alcohol]].{{book ref|wb|58}} It is also possible to make stone Lifeless by transforming a dead body to stone (e.g. via [[Soulcasting]]) before Awakening it.{{wob ref|2781}}
The discovery of how to create Lifeless with just a single Breath eventually led to the Lifeless armies of the [[Manywar]].{{book ref|wb|26}} One example of a single-Breath Lifeless Command is ''Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word.''
===Metal and stone===
'''Type IV BioChromatic entities''' are sentient objects made by Awakening inorganic materials like metal and stone. This requires at least the [[Heightening#Ninth_Heightening|Ninth Heightening]].{{book ref|wb|51}} Breath can still be stored in metal without the Ninth Heightening, but cannot be Awakened.{{wob ref|10408}} [[Nightblood]], a sentient Awakened sword, is the only known object of this type. He was created by [[Shashara]] with the help of her husband [[Talaxin]], using a thousand Breaths and the Command "Destroy evil".{{book ref|wb|51}}
Nightblood is incapable of determining morality{{wob ref|3023}} and has a rigid way of thinking similar to a [[Spren]] on Roshar.{{wob ref|7257}} The large number of Breaths he contains also grants him incredible destructive power. The threat of more weapons like Nightblood being created eventually caused Talaxin to kill Shashara to prevent the knowledge of this form of Awakening from becoming public.{{wob ref|6954}}
Stone is presumed to be similarly difficult to Awaken. However, Lifeless can be made by enclosing bones in stone, making near indestructible warriors. [[Talaxin]] used this technique to create the legendary [[Kalad's Phantoms]].{{book ref|wb|58}} Dead bodies [[Soulcast]] into stone are also easier to Awaken due to them once being alive.{{wob ref|2781}}
Burning metals containing BioChromatic Breath has no effect on the Allomancy, although if the Breath belongs to the Allomancer it will be regained.{{wob ref|8055}}
== Known Awakeners ==
== Trivia ==
* In the ''[[Warbreaker]]'' [[wikipedia:GraphicAudio|GraphicAudio]], Vasher uses the Command "''My Breath to give for life to live''" (instead of the usual Breath transfer Command, "''My life to yours, my Breath become yours''") to avoid accidentally giving away his [[BioChromatic Breath#Type I|divine Breath]]. [[Brandon Sanderson|Brandon]] believes GraphicAudio got that from his team and that it is the canonical version of the Command, but was unsure and said he would have the check with [[Isaac Stewart]] and [[Peter Ahlstrom]].{{wob ref|5845}}
== Notes ==
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