Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tonk Fah»

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m (Texto reemplazado: «{{tag|Denth's crew}}» por «{{tag|Banda de Denth}}»)
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Tonk Fah and Denth were employed by Lemex in support of [[Vahr]]'s rebellion{{book ref|wb|17}}, but were secretly poisoning him.{{wob ref|7283}} Upon his death, Tonk Fah discreetly disposed of Lemex's body.{{book ref|wb|13}} Later, he helps ransack Lemex's home in search of his valuables and plans{{book ref|wb|17}} and helps guard Vivenna while she meets with Idrian slum lords {{book ref|wb|22}}. Behind the scenes, Tonk Fah has already killed at least three Idrian soldiers sent to retrieve [[Vivenna]] from [[Lemex|Lemex's]] ransacked house.{{wob ref|6806}}
After [[Parlin]] was tortured and killed by Tonk Fah {{wob ref|7284}}, [[Vivenna]] escapes into the streets. During her escape attempt she first tries to awaken Tonk Fah's cloak, but due to a bad command this does not work; she instead uses [[Clod]]'s lifeless command as a distraction. While starving on the streets, [[Vivenna]] sees that the first soup kitchen she goes to is being watched by Tonk Fah, and thus she avoids going to any of soup kitchens even while on the verge of death.{{book ref|wb|39}}
After [[Vivenna]] sneaks into the [[Court of the Gods]] in order to help free [[Vasher]] with the guidance of [[Nightblood]], she comes across [[Denth]] torturing [[Vasher]], with Tonk Fah idly sleeping with his back against the wall. [[Vivenna]] uses an Awakened rope to strangle Tonk Fah, which distracts [[Denth]] as he moves to help Tonk Fah escape the binding.
While Tonk Fah keeps an eye on her[[Vivenna]] during the duel between [[Denth]] and [[Vasher]], she realizes that he was still wearing the same cloak she had placed her [[BioChromatic Breath]] into. She uses this to distract [[Denth]].{{book ref|wb|56}}
After [[Denth]] is killed by [[Vasher]], Tonk Fah takes his money and escapes with [[Jewels]].{{book ref|wb|58}}
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