Diferencia entre revisiones de «El Imperio Final (libro)»

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[[Vin]] is a street urchin, who is taken into a group of thieves led by [[Kelsier]]. They are intent on overthrowing the [[Lord Ruler]]. The band of thieves are promised the cache of the Lord Ruler's [[Atium]] as reward for their contributions. The group is hounded by [[Steel Inquisitors]], intent on stopping their plans from succeeding.
Kelsier is a Mistborn, utilising the powers of [[Allomancy]] to fight against The Lord Ruler. He trains Vin, who he discovers is a Mistborn like himself. He has discovered the [[malatium|eleventh metal]], which he claims that it is going to be used to defeat the Lord Ruler, and spreads this knowledge to the Skaa. This encourages their revolt, and their deifying of him. Kelsier sacrifices himself fighting anThe InquisitorLord Ruler, but a [[kandra]] named Ore-Seur steals his bones and impersonates him, giving him the illusion of immortality in the minds of the Skaa.
After his sacrifice, he leaves Vin the eleventh metal, which he never discovered how to use. Vin confronts the Lord Ruler, burning the metal as she does so. She sees an alternate past, and finds out that he is not [[Alendi]], the prophesied savior of mankind, but [[Rashek]], a [[Terris]] packman and a [[Feruchemist]]. Using this knowledge, Vin seperates him from his [[metalmind]]s, causing him to age rapidly and die.
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