Diferencia entre revisiones de «Freya Marten»

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=== Experimenting with the Taynix ===
WHenWhen FM volunteered to help with the experimentingtaynix on the taynixexperiments, Jorgen assigned her the task of finding and retrieving any slugs that escaped.{{book ref|sf1|3}} She eventually deduced that the yellow and blue taynix were hyperjumping out of their boxes. She quickly grew fond of the slugs, feeling protective of them. She named several of them, and encouraged Jorgen to do the same. When Jorgen picked up [[Boomslug]], FM warned him that he was squeezing it to hard, but Jorgen ignored her. This resulted in Boomslug usingmentally whatexploding is likely a mindblade on Jorgen,and inflicting dozens of shallow cuts across Jorgen’s face and arms.{{book ref|sf1|4}}
After she visited Jorgen in the infirmary, herFM and Jorgen were told that they would be the first to speak with [[Alanik]] since she fell unconscious.{{book ref|sf1|5}} They went to where Alanik was being woken up by the doctors. When Alanik woke up, hershe spoke andwith FM talked using a translator pin to translate. FM answered Alanik’s many questions, and Alanik urgently warned her not to trust the Superiority’s false peace. FM began to make headway, getting Alanik to trust her more., Joshuahowever, Jeshua and Cobb soon entered however, and JoshuaJeshua harshly demanded answers from Alanik and threatened to keep her captive. Alanik was, angry, and teleported away using her cytonic abilities.{{book ref|sf1|6}}
Afterward, FM went to go find Rig and found him in the platform control room trying to find the FTL communicator. He subtly tried to get her to leave, and FM asked him what he hashad against her. Rig admitted that he likesliked FM, and they awkwardly changed the subject. They found the FTL communicator, a metal box like the one in M-Bot’s ship, and they realized that they’reif supposed tothey put a taynix in it, tothey makecould use it workfor hyperspeed communication.{{book ref|sf1|7}}
They deduce through process of elimination that the purple and orange slugs arewere the ones that can be used as FTL communicators. FM theorized that maybe showing the slugs an image of a delver using cytonicscytonically might trigger their abilities. Jorgen picks upsent [[Gill]] and sends her an image of the delvers, and Gill teleportsteleported away. HeJorgen triestried putting Gill in the special metal box that Rig crafted, samewhich aswas similar to the one that was part of [[M-Bot]]’s machinery. He tried itscaring Gill again withwhile Gillshe was in the box, but nothing happened. They tried putting Happy in instead, and Happy teleported, this time taking Jorgen with him., with Jorgen appearedappearing squeezed into a cubby, to the great amusement of FM and the others. They tried a similar experiment with FM and Jorgen in a fighter, with moderate success. Jorgen’s teleporting caught the attention of the Superiority however, and they moved their battleships into position for planetary bombardment.to Sincebombard the humansplanet couldand potentiallyprevent escape,the theyDefiant wantedpeoples to wipe outusing the peopleslugs ofto Detritusescape.{{book ref|sf1|8}}
FM and Rig getflew intotogether in a fighter togetherDulo, and listenlistened to music as they fly upflew towards the battle. They haveto a taynix in the fighter with them, and Jorgen successfully teleportsteleported them close to the battleship’s main cannon. The cannon and it’sits controls arewere shielded however, and FM iswas soon swarmed by Krell. She iswas forced to retreat, and Jorgen accidentally teleportsteleported her far back from the battle. The cannon began to fire, and Cobb called a full retreat., Thewhile at the same time the Engineering Corps managed to get the planetary shield up, blocking battleship’s shots. FM hid until the rest of Skyward Flight came and met up with her outside the shield. After giving the taynix time to settle down, they all touched wings and Jorgen teleported them inside the shield.{{book ref|Sf1|12}}
After making it back to Platform Prime, Rig and FM talked. Rig informed her that they’re going to try using Fine to power the FTL communication device. As they walked, Rig and FM discussed what they fearfeared, and FM admitedadmitted that she’s afraid of dying toin battle and ceasing to exist. They discussed their days in flight school and the taynix, andbefore the topic turnsturned to their experiments. Rig proposed that they try a different kind of experiment, and himhe and FM kissed briefly.{{book ref|sf1|13}}
FM and Rig devised a new experiment, trying to train the slugs to teleport to a specific point, prompted by caviar. She called the target box “home”"home", trying to get them to teleport there on the command. She had moderate success, with some slugs being more motivated than others. They went to the command center, where theyCobb had succeeded in creating a call to [[Cuna]] using a purple taynix as a FTL communication. Cuna told them that they arewere trapped on the research station of [[Sunreach (station)|Sunreach]]. Cuna said that they areand under attack by about twenty Krell fighters, andThey promisespromised their aid in return, if the humans were able to come and rescue them. After the communication ends, Cobb goes against Joshua’sJeshua’s will and orders Skyward Flight to depart immediately.{{book ref|sf1|14}}
=== Sunreach ===
Synod, Editors, Keepers
