Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fatren»

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|aliases=Fats{{book ref|mb3|1}}
After the Collapse, the lords of Vetitan left the town. Fatren convinced the other skaa to keep working. He also held the press gangs away from Vetitan, frequently paying crops in bribes not to lose men capable to work in the armies. He managed to gather two thousand soldiers, a thousand of which were unable to fight well. The other thousand had very little training. It was difficult to gather even this amount of soldiers from Vetitan's small population. [[Druffel]] had the idea to build a bulwark around the city. It took a lot of work, and two years after the Collapse they had barely finished when an army of ten thousand [[koloss]] came toward the city.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
Three months ago, the koloss had destroyed the city of [[GartwoodGarthwood]]. The city was bigger than Vetitan, but fewer than a hundred people survived the attack and came to Vetitan. Now, the army was coming toward Vetitan. But before the attack came, Elend Venture arrived at the town. At fist, Fatren didn't believe that Elend was who he claimed to be. Elend claimed Fatren had asked him for help, so that Fatren would be able to claim that this had been his plan all along. Elend promised to help them fight the koloss if they accepted him as their emperor and Fatren swore fealty to him. He made Fatren into a lord and told him to later pick a family name.{{book ref|mb3|1}}
Elend led Fatren's soldiers in an assault on the koloss, while they weren't in a blood frenzy, because the bulwark would have been useless against the koloss.{{book ref|mb3|1}} In the following battle, Elend took control over the koloss and saved most of Vetitan's people.{{book ref|mb3|2}} Later, [[Vin]] Elend and Fatren inspected the [[storage cavern]] in Vetitan. After discovering the cache, Fatren said that Elend had come here to rob him, like bandits. Elend replied that if Fatren kept the food, when the secret got out, thousands of refugees would come to the city, and bandits would follow. So, Fatren agreed to give up the food supply.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
