Diferencia entre revisiones de «Innominado»

4 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
Undo revision 139661 by LeftImBorn (talk) The page will be created soon, I believe
m (Removed link to deleted page)
m (Undo revision 139661 by LeftImBorn (talk) The page will be created soon, I believe)
Etiqueta: Deshacer
|A view of Nameless from the ocean{{book ref|sa4|29}}
The town is located in the southern portion of the [[Sea of Souls]] in Shadesmar. It sits on the edge of the [[Radiant Depths]] and is near the peninsula that leads to [[Abiding Light]].{{map ref|Sea of Souls}}
Nameless resides on free lands that are not owned or controlled by the [[Fused]] or the [[honorspren]].{{book ref|sa4|29}} The town sits on a barren obsidian field that is sparse in vegetation. A small cluster of crystalline plants can occasionally be seen.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
