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Highprince [[Valam]] visited Revilar’s estate at some point during this year.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
Later that year, Revilar attended Middlefest, held on the Davar grounds. During the festivities, Revilar confronted Lin and coerced him into taking a financially outrageous business deal which involved Lin selling breechtree[[breachtree]] cotton and raw [[Shum (plant)|shum]] to the Brightlord at below cost. Revilar would then arrange for it to be taken to market for the final sale. Lin initially resisted the trade, however, Revilar eventually pressured him into accepting the proposal, after bringing up the Davar’s need for allies in the Veden courts and Revilar’s recent popularity with the highprince.{{book ref|sa2|45}}{{book ref|sa2|48}}
== Relationships ==
