Diferencia entre revisiones de «Honorspren»

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== Abilities ==
Honorspren have the ability to sense an upcoming [[highstorm]] days before it arrives.{{book ref|sa3|20}} This is likely related to their origins as Stormfather's children. In the [[Physical Realm]], they can use [[Adhesion]] to stick small, light objects together.{{book ref|sa3|77}}, and give pinches of energy or move small objects.{{book ref|sa1|6}} They can also shape-shift while in there, and choose who can and cannot see and hear them, although they cannot hide from their bonded Surgebinder or an [[Unkalaki]] ''alaii'iku''.{{book ref|sa1|21}}
They can form a [[Nahel Bond]] with humans, turning them into [[Surgebinder]]s with the powers of Adhesion and [[Gravitation]]. In return, they gain the ability to think and act like their Shadesmar selves in the physical realm.{{book ref|sa1|57}} Among the honorspren, the bond is considered extremely intimate, as it involves the mixing of souls.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
