Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sistema Drominad»

m (added the fact that Patji (being) is on FotS)
m (linked)
There are four planets in the habitable zone of this system, and all four are known to have water as the dominant feature on their surface, and three of them harbor "fully developed human societies", according to [[Khrissalla]]. Each of the seven planets in the system have names that use the number-based [[Eelakin]] naming convention:
;[[First of the Sun]]: The planet closest to the sun. This is also the first planet in the system's habitable zone and has human life. As mentioned, this is where the story of the [[Sixth of the Dusk]] takes place. It has one moon named '''First of the First'''. First of the Sun possesses a perpendicularity in the form of [[Patji's Eye]]. The [[avatar]] of [[Autonomy]], [[Patji (being)|Patji]] resides on First of the Sun.
;Second of the Sun: This might be one of the three planets in the system which have a fully developed human societies living on it. Second of the Sun appears smaller than First of the Sun.
;Third of the Sun: Another planet which might be inhabited by human societies within this system. It appears to be the smallest planet in the Drominad system.
