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In the [[Physical Realm]], Syl can take on a variety of appearances, including a ribbon of light,{{book ref|sa3|5}} a flurry of leaves,{{book ref|sa1|23}} flame,{{book ref|sa1|40}} or a small cloud.{{book ref|sa1|27}} However, she prefers the form of a young woman about a handspan tall, with an angular face and flowing hair that fade into mist behind her head.{{book ref|sa1|2}} She usually wears a long, flowing dress, of a girlish cut.{{book ref|sa1|9}} She will often augment it with various other articles of clothing, like a cap, a jacket or an umbrella, or swap it out for similar attire, like a [[havah]] with a [[safehand]].{{book ref|sa3|46}}{{book ref|sa3|5}} Regardless of her clothing, however, she always goes barefoot.{{book ref|sa3|91}} In any form she takes, her entire form has a uniform, blue-white color, and glows with faint blue light. While [[Kaladin]] and [[Lunamor]] can always see her, to others, she's invisible unless she wills herself to be seen.{{book ref|sa1|21}}
As a [[Shardblade|Shardspear]], she glows brightly and has glowing, swirling glyphs engraved along the spearhead.{{book ref|sa2|86}} She is able to appear in varying lengths, but typically appears with a cylindrical grip, unadorned save for a foot long helical swirl of metal right at before the tip. The spearhead has a single serration at the base where it connects to the grip.{{file ref|Call_to_Adventure_cover.jpg}}{{file ref|Windrunner_by_Felix_Abel_Klaer.png}}{{file ref|The_Next_Ideal.png}}{{file ref|Bridge_4_poster_without_text.jpg}}
In [[Shadesmar]], Syl is incapable of changing forms, or becoming invisible.{{book ref|sa3|97}} There, she is human-sized, looking like a pretty girl with blue-white skin.{{book ref|sa3|90}} She wears a dress but, like with her Physical Realm form, she is barefoot.{{book ref|sa3|91}} This being said, while she is humanoid, she does not share human biology -- her eyes are decorative rather than functional, and she sees the world in the same way spren without human features, like the [[Cryptic]]s, do.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
{{image|Kaladin by Caio SantosThe_Next_Ideal.jpgpng|side=right|width=350px250px|EmpoweringAs a [[Kaladin]]Shardspear}}
Like other larger spren, Syl can change her form and choose who to show herself to, making her an excellent spy.{{book ref|sa3|97}} She can float or fly through the air, as well as walk sideways, and is particularly good at finding things.{{book ref|sa1|55}} She can also use [[Adhesion]] to stick things together. She generally uses this to play pranks on people, though she has also applied this ability to assist people.{{book ref|sa1|2}}{{book ref|sa3|77}} She's also, like all [[honorspren]], able to sense an oncoming [[highstorm]] days prior.{{book ref|sa3|20}}
