Diferencia entre revisiones de «Jasnah Kholin»

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New heading: Stopping the Voidbringers (under Return to the Physical Realm); substance added after section Return to the Physical Realm. Two new quotes.
(Substance on Shallan/Jasnah relationship in Return to the Physical Realm section.)
(New heading: Stopping the Voidbringers (under Return to the Physical Realm); substance added after section Return to the Physical Realm. Two new quotes.)
Jasnah is generally a stern and serious person, although she occasionally shows a wry sense of humor,{{book ref|sa1|29}} and allows familiarity among those she is close with.{{book ref|sa3|15}} She sometimes acts in a brusque manner, and can be exceptionally rude when someone gets on her bad side.{{book ref|sa1|33}} She is determined, confident, and often stubborn.{{book ref|sa1|8}} She has a brilliant mind and shows wisdom and care in her studies.{{book ref|sa1|3}} She is very passionate about scholarship and wants others to share in her passion as well.{{book ref|sa1|29}} She often encourages her ward, Shallan, to come up with answers on her own, rather than simply giving them to her.{{book ref|sa1|36}} She considers history to be the most important literary sub art. She is prejudiced against the visual arts, going so far as to call them frivolities, although having Shallan as her ward may have changed her opinions on the subject.{{book ref|sa1|5}} She can be extremely tough and ruthless, as she showed when she killed four footpads that attacked her and Shallan. She harbors a deep hatred towards men like them, possibly because of something that has been done to her in the past.{{book ref|sa1|36}}
She has also been shown to have some sort of aversion to darkness, or at the very least shadows, as seen when she became uneasy while staring at a shadow.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Jasnah seems to have faced some sort of trauma as a child; Dalinar mentions her "lunacy" in conversation with Gavilar and she has memories of being locked in a dark room when she was a child, which taught her that even the people she loved could hurt her.{{book ref|sa3|4947}} No one else seems to remember it in the modern day, but Jasnah is terrified of it happening again to her.{{book ref|sa3|4749}}
Jasnah is an atheist.{{book ref|sa1|29}} This has caused her not an insignificant amount of problems and led to her being ostracized a bit, but she has never compromised in her beliefs for the sake of appearances.{{book ref|sa1|28}} While she is confident in her lack of faith in the [[devotary|devotaries]], like the true scholar that she is, she also always keeps an open mind to the possibility of being wrong. She is content to keep her beliefs to herself, and doesn't particularly care about converting anyone else.{{book ref|sa1|29}}
==== Parshendi-Voidbringer Theory ====
Jasnah was among the first to predict that the Parshendi were the Voidbringers and that the Desolation was coming,{{book ref|sa1|74}} along with organizations such as the [[Ghostbloods]] and the [[Diagram (literature)|Diagram]]. Until it was proven,{{book ref|sa2|81}} the theory relied heavily on metaphorical texts and folk tales, both thousands of years old and translated through many [[Wikipedia:Proto-language|proto-languages]].{{epigraph ref|sa1|32}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|35}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|38}} Her most substantial proof was the shadow, ash and flame references in her sources that she believed were referingreferring to the red and black skin color of the Parshendi, as well as the reported sudden appearance of Voidbringers which she thought similar to the way the Parshendi assassinated her father, King Gavilar, apparently out of nowhere.{{book ref|sa1|72}}
== History ==
[[File: Young Jasnah and Navani by Audrey Hotte.jpg|thumb|right|x200px|<center><small>by {{a|Audrey Hotte}}</small></center>]]
=== Early Life (1139—1167) ===
Jasnah Kholin was born in {{Rosharan date|1139}} to Gavilar and Navani Kholin. Her brother, Elhokar, was born eight years later in {{Rosharan date|1147}}.{{book ref|sa1|12}} She became a princess of Alethkar when Gavilar united the [[highprince|highprinces]]s and became the king in {{Rosharan date|1163}}. At someabout pointages duringtwelve herto childhood (about {{Rosharan date|1150}})thirteen, Jasnah suffered from a case of lunacy.{{book ref|sa3|49}} When Jasnah reflects on this period of time, she remembers a dark room and screaming her voice ragged. According to her, this was when she learned that people she loved could still hurt her.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
Jasnah transcribed Gavilar's account of his first meeting with the [[Parshendi]] in {{Rosharan date|1166}}.{{book ref|sa1|36}} She didn't know what to think of the changes in Gavilar around that time,{{book ref|sa1|15}} but felt connected to her father for the first time.{{book ref|sa1|45}} She was very interested in studying the Parshendi and the [[Shattered Plains]]. She suspected that the ruins in the Plains were extremely important, and that scholars had been searching for said ruins for a long time.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
==== Parshendi Betrayal ====
In {{Rosharan date|1167}}, Jasnah attended the feast held in the [[Kholinar]] Palace after the signing of the Parshendi treaty. While walking to a meeting with an assassin named [[Liss]] with the intention of killing Elhokar's wife [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]], she noticed her shadow pointing toward the light. She walked past Highprince [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] and a [[Shinovar|Shin]] [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano|servant in white clothing]], and subsequently came across her father in quiet conference with [[Meridas Amaram]]. Once Amaram left, Jasnah asked Gavilar what he commanded Amaram, but Gavilar deflected the question and left hastily, leading her to wonder if he knew about her plans regarding Aesudan. Walking onward, Jasnah's shadow again acted oddly, and this time formed into a "man of midnight blacknesblackness [with] a certain reflective cast, as if he were made of oil."{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} He carried an unsheathed sword. In panic, Jasnah went into [[Shadesmar]] for the first time. There, the shadowy figure sheathed its sword, and Jasnah fell into the sea of glass beads. Before she drowned, Jasnah managed to find the glass bead corresponding to the Kholinar Palace, and using that as her guide, willed herself to rise to the surface, standing on a platform of glass beads. From there, she formed the corridor she'd stood in before leaving the [[Physical Realm]], and when the shadowy figure stepped onto her platform with its sword drawn, she formed a statue of [[Talenel|Talenelat'Elin]]. She confronted the figure, and it saluted and bowed, then left. When Jasnah returned to the Physical Realm, all the spheres lining the hallway walls were dun.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Jasnah met with Liss but decided not to assassinate Aesudan, instead ordering Liss to survey her. Jasnah asked Liss about the servant she wanted to show off, but Liss answered that she had sold her Shin servant to a slaver weeks ago for being too good a slave. Hearing that the servant was Shin, Jasnah recalled the servant in white clothing and decided to look into him.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
==== Travels ====
After the death of her father, she started drawing parallels between the Parshendi and the [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa1|74}} Eventually, she discovered her [[Surgebinding]] abilities, and started carrying a fake [[Soulcaster]] [[fabrial]] to disguise she was a [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa1|72}} At some point, she made her way to the warcamps in the Shattered Plains, but eventually her studies took her elsewhere.{{book ref|sa1|18}} She left behinda hercopy books,of andher askednotes Dalinarat thatan theyinformation becenter caredin Tashikk for safekeeping.{{book ref|sa1sa3|6047}}
In {{Rosharan date|1172}}, she received a letter from [[Shallan Davar]], asking for wardship. She replied Shallan to meet her in [[Dumadari]] in two weeks time, though she didn't really expect her to make it. She spent the next six months traveling from town to town, leaving notes for Shallan when she left so the young woman could follow her. She eventually reached [[Kharbranth]] in {{Rosharan date|1173}}.{{book ref|sa1|3}}
=== Return to the Physical Realm (1173—) ===
After her travel through the Cognitive Realm, Jasnah returned to [[Urithiru]] to resume her fight against the [[Voidbringers]]. She observed many of Dalinar's visions, searching for hints about locations and time periods in which they took place to try to glean more information about pre-[[Aharietiam]] Roshar and the ancient Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa3|33}} She was unable to identify distinguishing landmarks, either because the landscape had changed over time or because they were in uncharted territory, but she did identify [[Jezrien|Jezerezeh, king of the Heralds]], in the vision of Aharietiam.{{book ref|ob|42}}
After Dalinar released the vision proclaiming [[Honor]]'s death, he was labeled as a pariah and an outcast by ardents, colleagues, and former friends -- groups that were not necessarily mutually exclusive -- and eventually excommunicated from the Vorin church. Identifying a shared struggle between herself and her uncle, Jasnah offered sympathy and counsel on being an outcast in Alethi society.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
SheAs attemptedJasnah to rally the [[Vorin]] armyreturned, andher tooktaking part in meetings with currentRoshar's Rosharanworld leaders. Her return and participation, however, inspired conflict between her and Shallan, who now resented being treated like a ward. Their first clash occurred shortly after Jasnah asked Shallan to take notes in a meeting.{{book ref|sa3|39}} Jasnah later confronted Shallan about her rebellious attitude and lack of responsibility, chastising her for skipping meetings or arriving tardylate, though she lessened the blow by expressing admiration for Shallan's accomplishments while Jasnah was stuck in the Cognitive Realm. Shallan proposed terminating her wardship, but Jasnah refused.{{book ref|sa3|39}} In another meeting, Shallan rebuked [[Janala Lustow|Janala]] after she insulted Renarin; After scolding Shallan once again, Jasnah confided that she didn't often take wards because she was bad at instructing them and keeping them in check. Shortly after, Shallan, resentful at returning to a more lowly position, decided to journey with [[Kaladin]], [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin}}, and [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar]] to [[Kholinar]] just to get away from Jasnah and her orders.{{book ref|sa3|44}}
During their overlapping time in Urithiru, Jasnah observed Shallan's slow mental deterioration, which Ivory had warned her about.{{book ref|sa3|47}}{{book ref|sa3|53}}
==== Stopping the Voidbringers ====
Jasnah knew that the humans were the true Voidbringers before anyone else, having learned the fact from Wit when she found him after returning to the physical realm.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Nevertheless, she took an anti-pacifist stance in strategy meetings after [[Kaladin]] suggested negotiating with the Parshendi, arguing that the Voidbringers were ruthless creatures who needed to be stopped rather than oppressed citizens who deserved the same rights as humans.{{book ref|ob|39}} Jasnah also advocated to find the [[Heralds]] and kill them, thus restoring the [[Oathpact]] and returning the [[Fused]] to [[Damnation]]. Her plan was shot down by Dalinar and Kaladin. In addition, Jasnah suggested that humans try to regain control over the [[Shinovar|Shin]] [[Oathgate]] second -- as opposed to the one in Azir or Theylenah, which her uncle had been trying to do -- so that they could cross all of Roshar in one bound.
During this time, she also took notice of Renarin's strange behavior and began investigating his Nahel Bond and the proper spren for the [[Order of Truthwatchers]].{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{expand}}
|Let the Vorin believe as they wish&mdash;the wise among them will find goodness and solace in their faith; the fools would be fools no matter what they believed.
|Jasnah to Shallan{{book ref|twok|48}}
|Power is an illusion of perception...Some kinds of power are real -- power to command armies, power to soulcast. These come into play far less often than you would think.
|Jasnah to Shallan{{book ref|wor|1}}
|Most threats to a dynasty came from within.
|Jasnah Kholin{{book ref|ob|118}}
