Diferencia entre revisiones de «Hermana de Vin»

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|family=[[House Tekiel]]
|parents=[[Tevidian Tekiel]],{{book ref|mb2|5}}{{wob ref|7690}} [[Vin's mother|mother]]
|siblings=[[Vin]], [[Reen]]
|relatives=[[Salmen Tekiel]], [[Kale Tekiel]]
|abilities={{tag+|Seeker}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|73}}
|died={{date|c 1010|fe}}
|'ethnicity= [[Skaa]]/[[Noble]]
|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Vin's sister''' is a [[bronze|Seeker]].
She is killed by [[Vin's mother]] with a bronze spike, [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgically]] stealing her powers and killing her. Vin's mother then spikes Vin with this bronze '[[Vin's earring|earring]]', which later gives her the power to pierce [[copper]]clouds.{{book ref|mb1|20}} This in turn gave [[Ruin]] the ability to subtly manipulate [[Vin]].{{epigraph ref|mb3|74}}
|She killed my baby sister, slaughtered her. And that same day she gave me this, one of her own earrings. As if…as if choosing me over my sister. A punishment for one, a twisted present for another.
|Vin telling Elend about her sister's death{{book ref|mb1|44}}
'''Vin's sister''' is a [[bronze|Seeker]]{{book ref|mb1|epigraph|74}} who was killed during infancy. Her powers were stolen via [[Hemalurgy]] and given, unknowingly, to her sister, [[Vin]].{{book ref|mb1|epigraph|73}} She is the daughter of a [[Vin's mother|skaa women]] and [[Tevidian Tekiel]],{{book ref|mb2|5}}{{wob ref|7690}} the full sister of Vin,{{book ref|mb2|5}} and the half sister of [[Reen]].
== History ==
Vin's sister died in infancy at the hands of her mother. [[Ruin]], wanting to strategically place a pawn he could use to release himself from the [[Well of Ascension]], focused on the sisters as they presented a unique situation which he could use to his advantage.{{book ref|mb1|epigraph|74}} Capitalizing on their mother's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia mental illness], he engineered the death of Vin's sister in order for Vin to have the power necessary to find and release him from his prison.{{book ref|mb1|epigraph|74}}
On the day of her death, Vin's sister was left, along with Vin, in the care of their mother while their older brother Reen went out, unable to take either of the girls with him.{{book ref|mb1|20}} While he was gone, Vin's mother, corrupted by Ruin into hating her youngest daughter, murder her child by slicing open her chest to gain access to the girl's heart, which she stabbed with one of her own{{wob ref|2352}}{{book ref|mb2|44}} bronze earrings.{{book ref|mb1|20}}{{wob ref|8031}} She gave this earring to her older daughter Vin, who had witnessed the death of her sister, by forcefully inserting it into her earlobe, creating a way for Ruin to manipulate Vin later in life.{{book ref|mb2|5}} Later when Reen returned home, he found his mother holding Vin and his youngest sister's corpse at his mothers feet.{{book ref|mb1|20}} It is unclear if Reen disposed of his sister's body after their mother fled their home or if it was left to be found by others.
At some point after this incident, Reen told Vin about what had occurred and how her sister had been killed.{{book ref|mb1|20}}
After joining [[Kelsier]]'s crew, Vin began to open up about her past and the death of her sister, speaking with several crew members{{book ref|mb1|20}}{{book ref|mb1|31}} as well as her husband, [[Elend]]{{book ref|mb2|44}} about her the trauma.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Vin's sister is a [[Misting]] who snapped while very young, sometime between her birth and when she died during in infancy. She is a powerful [[Allomancer]] due to her parentage, and it is possible she may have snapped during birth, like her sister Vin.{{book ref|mb3|epigraph|73}} She is a [[bronze|Seeker]] and has access to bronze Allomancy, thus having the power to detect uses of kinetic [[investiture]],{{wob ref|7413}} including other uses of Allomancy. Her powers are given to her sister Vin via Hemalurgic spike, which grants Vin the power of a bronze [[savant]],{{wob ref|4303}} allowing her to pierce copperclouds and detect investiture that is being used from within.
== Relationships ==
=== Vin ===
Vin was present when her sister was murdered, and although she does not remember the event, the loss of her sibling has left deep psychological scars. Although her sister was a baby when she died, and Vin does not blames her for being gone, her sister's death has contributed towards Vin's fear of abandonment and distrust of others.{{book ref|mb1|31}} Vin rarely, if ever, spoke or thought of her sister following her death, until after she joined Kelsier's crew and began opening up about her past, as she had never really known her or had any positive reasons to reflect on their connection.{{wob ref|3524}}{{book ref|mb3|43}}
=== Vin's Mother ===
Through Ruin's corruption, Vin's mother came to hate her second child and thought she was repulsive and a monster.{{wob ref|8031}} Ruin utilized the mother's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia mental illness] in order to influence the women and take advantage of her, ultimately leading to the death of Vin's younger sister.{{wob ref|8031}}{{wob ref|50}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
