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|books=[[{{b|mb1}}]], [[{{b|mb2}}]][[Category:Mistborn]]
|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]]
'''Dockson''' was a member of [[Kelsier's crew]] on [[Scadrial]]. He performed as Kelsier's right-hand man and the two have been friends for a long time, working together to topple [[The Lord Ruler]]. Interestingly enough, Dockson is the only non-Allomancer amongst the crew.
Dockson meets his death with a sword in hand, during the koloss invasion in [[The Hero of Ages]]. Seeing his impending end, he offers himself a little redemption and remarks that had things been different, had they turned on the nobility as he had wanted to in [[The Final Empire]], then he and others would be no better than beasts. He believes that they had done the right thing after all.{{ref|b|mb2|a|53}}
== Appearance ==
Dockson has a squarish face, which Kelsier observes is well-suited to his moderately stocky build. He has black hair and sports a short half-beard. Since he “first"first put forth whiskers some twenty years before," we can assume Dockson is middle-aged by the events of Mistborn. He often wears clothing of noble origin that Sazed comments suit him better than the others in the crew.{{ref|b|mb|a|2}}
Dockson has a squarish face, which Kelsier observes is well-suited to his moderately stocky build. He has black hair and sports a short half-beard. Since he “first put forth whiskers some twenty years before,” we can assume Dockson is middle-aged by the events of Mistborn. He often wears clothing of noble origin that Sazed comments suit him better than the others in the crew.{{ref|b|mb|a|2}}
== Notes ==
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