Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

up to book 1 ch 33
m (small cleanup)
(up to book 1 ch 33)
Aftermath of ash rain was visible by small drifts and flurries of black blowing across the streets. Ash was surprisingly easy to wash out of clothes.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
"A light ashfall had begun, and careless flakes floated down from the sky, like leaves dropped from some unseen tree."{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
"Ash fell from the sky, floating in lazily flakes."{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
[[File: Luthadel-color.jpg|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Isaac Stewart]]</small></center>Map of Luthadel]]
Luthadel had some kind of sewer system.{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
Large tenements to pack skaa families were uncommon but existed, and a six-story building like this was exceptional in Luthadel. Skaa tenements mostly had a central hearth, but put it out after preparing the evening meal as wood to burn was too expensive.{{book ref|mb1|32}} <br>
Buildings had raingutters.{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
== Landmarks ==
House Venture hosted the last ball before the Collapse, at which all nobles were securing bonds with their faction. The house war officially started when House Elariel attacked House Venture at this evening.{{book ref|mb1|30}} <br>
The Lord Ruler did nothing to stop the house war, as if he wanted it to happen. "Like a wildfire, left to blaze and renew a field."{{book ref|mb1|32}} <br>
Kelsier destroyed the Pits of Hathsin. Last executions.{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
=== Collapse (1022 FE) ===
Men in the underground often spent months without their family to protect them.({{expand}}with Ham{{book ref|mb1|24}}) Most brothels killed their skaa whores periodically to keep the Inquisitors placated. A decent amount, though by far not all, of skaa workers visited skaa whorehouses.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
Skaa in the Central Dominance could travel via the canal underground because noblemen never paid attention to skaa faces.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
"We aren’t like other crews you’ve known-we work as we please, not because we are told to. It pays for us to be very discerning in the jobs we take. The rewards are great, but so are the risks."{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
== Politics ==
Boxings are made of gold. In each city, including Luthadel, is a small group of merchants who provide powdered metals to Allomancers, these metals can be considered pure because these merchants have a vested interest in keeping their (dangerous) customers satisfied.{{book ref|mb1|27}} <br>
"The Lord Ruler depends on that atium, Valette—it’s one of the prime ways he controls the nobility. A house without atium is a house that can’t defend itself from Mistborn. By keeping a large reserve, the Lord Ruler controls the market, making himself extremely wealthy. He funds his armies by making atium scarce, then selling extra bits for lavish amounts."{{book ref|mb1|28}} <br>
Pits of Hathsin is the only place in the Final Empire where atium was mined, so the Lord Ruler depended on it. "Atium is the foundation of the imperial economy—controlling it is one of the main ways that the Lord Ruler maintains his hold over the nobility."{{book ref|mb1|33}} <br>
=== Organization ===
No one has ever attacked Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
Ministry had hazekillers.{{book ref|mb1|33}}
Luthadel had a massive wall, but that was unnecessary since the Lord Ruler controlled everything and no army would attack during his reign.{{book ref|mb1|19}} It was the only city in the Final Empire that was allowed to have a city wall.{{cite}}
