Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

up to book 1 ch 22
(up to book 1 ch 21)
(up to book 1 ch 22)
== Culture ==
Legend: Lord Ruler was believed to be the creator, protector and punisher of mankind. He'd saved humanity from the Deepness, and brought ash and mist as punishment for lack of faith.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Skaa are shorter than nobles. Nobles could get allomantic powers, skaa only if they had a noble ancestor somewhere in the last five generations.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
"Technically, the Lord Ruler owns the skaa, but the noblemen rent them, and are allowed to kill as many as they want." Skaa aren't people to nobles.{{book ref|mb1|22}}
=== Nobility ===
When Great Houses grew nervous, more Allomancers held watch, but noblemen Mistings wouldn't like being forced to guard duty. Many nobility blatantly wore metal, a foolish form of bravado. High taxes for Great Houses. Lord Ruler sees nobles as "the children of his long-dead friends and allies, the men who supposedly helped him defeat the Deepness".{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Major noble families generally never had more than three children because they had trouble reproducing. When two noblemen had a dispute, they'd settle it with a duel, not clear if that was a duel to the death though.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
When a young nobleman seriously wishes to court a certain lady, he gives her a handkerchief. Nobles wear metal as a symbol of power and pride, but because that makes them vulnerable to Allomancy they often wear wood painted like metal instead. Plantation lords often spent their winters in Luthadel, during the time in between the planting seasons. The Steel Ministry allows nobles to bed any skaa woman they want, but they have to kill her shortly afterwards to prevent the birth of half-breeds, according to Dox this isn't considered as cheating.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
==== Balls ====
Most nobles weren't rich enough to be considered part of a Great House. Being noble is about lineage, not money.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Lesser nobles could be guard at a noble keep.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Some brothels use women of very poor — but noble — birth.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
=== Skaa ===
"oddly, the place closest to the Lord Ruler was also the one with the most corruption, not to mention the most riches."{{book ref|mb1|18}} <br>
Hoid spent some time in Luthadel, where he acted as an informant. He'd been around long for an informant, but most informants didn't have a long life as it was a dangerous profession. Even members Great Houses went to informants personally.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Men in the underground often spent months without their family to protect them.({{expand}}with Ham{{book ref|mb1|24}}) Most brothels killed their skaa whores periodically to keep the Inquisitors placated. A decent amount, though by far not all, of skaa workers visited skaa whorehouses.{{book ref|mb1|22}} <br>
== Politics ==
