Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

up to book 1 ch 21
(up to book 1 ch 20 (halfway))
(up to book 1 ch 21)
'''Luthadel''' was the capital city of the [[Final Empire]] on [[Scadrial]]. It was governed by the [[Lord Ruler]] for over a thousand years. After the [[Collapse]], Luthadel became the capital city of the [[New Empire]].
{{quote|LuthadelThere wasweren't anany enormous,other sprawlingcities citylike Luthadel.|Luthadel{{book ref|mb1|1911m}} }}
== Geography ==
Flora in Central Dominance: usually brown or white, but when cultivated also red, orange and yellow. Wilderness outside the city. "The dry plants, the angry sun, the smoky-black sky". "The sun sank beneath the horizon, and while its light was still a flare in the west, the mists began to appear. They didn’t come from one specific place, they just sort of…grew. They extended like translucent, twisting vines in the sky—curling back and forth, lengthening, dancing, melding".{{book ref|mb1|17}} <br>
Landscape: brown hills, scraggly trees and rug of weedy underbrush.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Snow fell some winters, but not each year. Aftermath of ash rain was visible by small drifts and flurries of black blowing across the streets. Ash was surprisingly easy to wash out of clothes.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
Birch forests could grow in the Central Dominance. Ground below consisted (partly) of granite.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
=== Layout ===
== Culture ==
Legend: Lord Ruler was believed to be the creator, protector and punisher of mankind. He'd saved humanity from the Deepness, and brought ash and mist as punishment for lack of faith.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Skaa are shorter than nobles. Nobles could get allomantic powers, skaa only if they had a noble ancestor somewhere in the last five generations.{{book ref|mb1|21}}
=== Nobility ===
"hasn’t been an all-out war among the Great Houses for over a century, but the last one was devastating."{{book ref|mb1|12}} <br>
When Great Houses grew nervous, more Allomancers held watch, but noblemen Mistings wouldn't like being forced to guard duty. Many nobility blatantly wore metal, a foolish form of bravado. High taxes for Great Houses. Lord Ruler sees nobles as "the children of his long-dead friends and allies, the men who supposedly helped him defeat the Deepness".{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Major noble families generally never had more than three children because they had trouble reproducing. When two noblemen had a dispute, they'd settle it with a duel, not clear if that was a duel to the death though.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
==== Balls ====
Tobacco was an expensive luxury.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Skaa could work as ash cleaners.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
Many skaa had heard of Allomancy, but only a few knew what it could do, because noble Mistings rarely showed their powers, and skaa halfbreed had to be even more careful.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
=== Underground ===
Usually when the Ministry discovered a thieving crew, obligators with their troops went to capture the thieves and made a good show of them on an execution day, only in special cases (often involving Allomancy) Inquisitors went to kill the entire crew direct and left the massacre to be discovered. There were about 20 inquisitors in the Final Empire, half of them in Luthadel. Hanging people with a hook through the head was a ritual killing "reserved for the most reprehensible of sinners: people who misuse Allomancy".{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
"The Garrison watches the skaa, Vin thought. Apparently, the obligators perform a similar function for the nobility." Obligators, even the lord prelan Tevidian, visited forges to inspect them and their workers.{{book ref|mb1|12}} <br>
Obligators seem to be only nobles.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
=== During the New Empire ===
1/10th of all atium mined at Pits of Hathsin was sold to nobles, at exorbitant prices.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
One bead of atium is worth more than three thousand boxings.{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
These canals had towpaths besides them.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
=== Organization ===
In Luthadel, especially in the slums, there were many soup kitchens. Local skaa earned meal tokens for the time they worked, and in their short break at midday they could spend these tokens for a meal. Local lords/nobles, owners of a local forge or mill, paid these kitchens to avoid the costs of providing on-site meals. The kitchen owners was paid directly, so he saved as much as possible on ingredients, resulting in food as tasty as ashwater.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
Luthadel had skaa corpse crews that took care of the disposal of dead bodies.{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
//ash cleaning should probably be moved here
Condemned men (and women) were sent to the Pits of Hathsin, not clear what the criteria were though.{{book ref|mb1|21}} <br>
=== Military ===
