Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

up to book 1 ch 20 (halfway)
(up to book 1 ch 19)
(up to book 1 ch 20 (halfway))
=== Topography ===
//central dominance <br>
Luthadel lies in the middle of the Central Dominance, therefore being in the centre of the Final Empire.{{map ref|Final Empire}}
A week journey to Arguois Caverns, and Arguois Caverns closer to Luthadel than Pits of Hathsin.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Imperial highroad: flat and packed earth, leading to Fellise.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
Allomantic road between Luthadel and Fellise. Consisted of bars of metal (bronze) that were stuck in the ground, Mistborn could use them to Push and Pull in the air. Made the trip twice as fast as a man on horseback. Fellise a short distance south of Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
In six months one could travel from one border of the Final Empire to the other. Because Luthadel lies in the middle of the Final Empire, each place in the empire can be reached within three months.{{book ref|mb1|18}} <br>
=== Climate ===
Luthadel could have heavy rainfalls.{{book ref|mb1|15}} <br>
Flora in Central Dominance: usually brown or white, but when cultivated also red, orange and yellow. Wilderness outside the city. "The dry plants, the angry sun, the smoky-black sky". "The sun sank beneath the horizon, and while its light was still a flare in the west, the mists began to appear. They didn’t come from one specific place, they just sort of…grew. They extended like translucent, twisting vines in the sky—curling back and forth, lengthening, dancing, melding".{{book ref|mb1|17}} <br>
Landscape: brown hills, scraggly trees and rug of weedy underbrush.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Snow fell some winters, but not each year. Aftermath of ash rain was visible by small drifts and flurries of black blowing across the streets.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
=== Layout ===
"Most of the other women wore colorful dresses; muted colors seemed reserved for men’s suits."{{book ref|mb1|17}} <br>
Ladies' food: buttered vegetables, cake. Lords asking a lady to accompany them on a future ball was not uncommon. People only interacted with others of their social standing. More absences on balls as tensions grew, nobles wouldn't visit balls held by their rivals. Also many non-Great Houses visited balls.{{book ref|mb1|18}} <br>
Luncheons, sitting parties and other forms of daily entertainment were just as popular as balls.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
=== Middle class ===
Begging was only allowed if one had severe disfigurements.{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
Tobacco was an expensive luxury.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Skaa could work as ash cleaners.{{book ref|mb1|20}} <br>
=== Underground ===
