Diferencia entre revisiones de «Eshonai»

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m (+artist)
|image= Eshonai portrait large.png
|image-artist=[[User: Exmakina]]
|parents=[[Eshonai's mother|Mother]]
Her preferred form is workform because it is more limber and rugged, and because the form's aversion to violence forces her to think differently to solve problems. She seems to tolerate Listeners who prefer mateform poorly, and has trouble understanding why anyone would want to remain in that form for longer than necessary to produce offspring. Her confusion on the subject at one time extended to humans, when she was baffled by the fact that humans have only a single form that is easily distracted by sexual urges.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}
== History ==
Eshonai was an explorer, and often traveled the wilderness of [[Natanatan]]. She started out exploring alone, creating maps and expanding the Listeners' world, and ended up exciting and leading her people on expeditions as early as her teenage years. Her exploring lead to the Listeners' first contact with humans, encountering an Alethi expedition to the south of the Shattered Plains lead by [[Gavilar Kholin]] in the year 1165 of the [[Vorin]] calendar.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Eshonai was involved with the decision to assassinate Gavilar. Though she was at the time not yet on the Council of Five, the council had given her a vote and listened to her counsel. She voted in favour of killing him, in order to keep the Listeners free of their gods and to affirm the decision made by their ancestors -- the [[Last Legion]] -- centuries ago when they decided to embrace dullform in order to be free of their gods.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}
=== The War of Reckoning (1167-1173) ===
Sometime between the assassination of Gavilar and the Battle of the Tower, Eshonai was placed on the Council of Five and made the general of the Listener armies. She lead their strike forces onto the plains in skirmishes with the Alethi for gemhearts after they had relocated their population to [[Narak]] and chosen to begin a war of attrition in hopes of the Alethi growing bored.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}