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=== Shadesmar Currency ===
Similarly to how spheres have become to dominant currency in the [[Physical Realm]] of Roshar, they have become prevalent in its [[Cognitive Realm]] as well - though for slightly different reasons. In the Physical Realm the value of each sphere is determined primarily by the economic value of its gemstone, as it relates to Soulcasting. In Shadesmar, however, the real currency is the Stormlight, and spheres become only as valuable as the amount of Stormlight they hold at the moment of the transaction. Presumably out of convenience, prices are still communicated in terms of the sphere denominations defined in the Physical Realm, but the gemstone type becomes irrelevant; a freshly infused diamond mark has the same value in Shadesmar as a freshly infused emerald mark - they are both "one mark of Stormlight.," even though in the Physical Realm emeralds are fifty times more expensive than diamonds.
== Informal Names ==