Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esferas»

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{{row| Gem type | Color | pre=! style="font-weight: bold;" {{!}} | pre2=! colspan=2 style="font-weight: bold;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Sapphire | Deep blue | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#00008B;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Smokestone | Translucent | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#FFFFFF;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Ruby | Deep red | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#8B0000;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Diamond | Translucent | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#FFFFFF;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Emerald | Deep green | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#006400;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Garnet | Deep violet | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#9400D3;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Zircon | Pale blue | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#ADD8E6;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Amethyst | Pale violet | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#EE82EE;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Topaz | Pale orange | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#FFA500;" {{!}} }}
{{row| Heliodor | Light yellow | . | pre3={{!}} style="background:#FFFFE0;" {{!}} }}
Perhaps the most common use of the spheres is as a light source. Since the gemstones inside them have the ability to hold Stormlight, many Rosharans have adopted the habit of leaving their spheres out during highstorms (in cages or baskets, so they don't get lost or stolen) so they can get (re)charged. Much like the highstorms, Surgebinders are also able to recharge spheres, similarly to how Awakeners can store their Breaths in objects; the Surgebinder must already be Invested, at which point they can will some of their own Stormlight into a gem or sphere. Spheres are leaky containers for Stormlight, however (unlike [[Polestone#Perfect_Gemstones|Perfect gemstones]]), so they slowly lose their Stormlight to a process similar to evaporation. It takes several days for newly infused spheres to lose all of their Stormlight and become dun, though this amount of time varies slightly with the denomination of the spheres.