Diferencia entre revisiones de «Empleando esquirlada»

Expanding - it's a minor difference but there is still some value to differentiating these. Good to explain both scenarios I think
m (removed loop link)
(Expanding - it's a minor difference but there is still some value to differentiating these. Good to explain both scenarios I think)
[[File: Shardbearer by Ari Ibarra.jpg|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Ari Ibarra|Ari Ibarra]]</small></center>A Shardbearer wearing Shardplate, summoning a Shardblade]]'''Shardwielding''' is a term used to refer to the act of using a '''[[Shardblade]]''' or a suit of '''[[Shardplate]]'''. If someone is capable of Shardwielding with either Blade or Plate, they are considered to be a Shardbearer. If they own both, they are known as a full Shardbearer.
Although the term generally refers to true [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]], the term Shardbearer is also applied to those who hold Shardblade-like weapons, such as the [[Honorblade]]s. The blade [[Nightblood]] is also referred to as a [[Shardblade]], similarly any other type IV BioChromatic entities would be as well. Highmarshall [[Azure]]'s Shard blade is suspected of being a type IV BioChromatic entity, as it is called a "sprenless [[Shardblade]]".
Synod, Editors, Keepers
